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Hey :)


So I just made my first oblivion mod using the CS which is a companion mod which works perfectly fine and can be saved.


The problem is I want to send my mod to other people, now when I see mods on the internet you download individual files you just extract to your oblivion root directory, but my file doesn't seem to be like that.


Instead my file is saved as a oblivion data file, can people just extract that to their oblivion root directory or is there anything else I need to do in order for them to use my mod?


I know I probably sound like a right newb but I'll be seriously stuck if they can't use the mod XD


Many thanks guys

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Hey, Taters! Welcome to the Modding Community!


I'll try to explain this to you as easy as I can (I have a tendency to unnecessarily complicate my expositions).


The Oblivion Data file you mention your mod consists of is the esp file, the one that tells the game what is the mod supposed to do. It contains the information to place the items and characters in the game.


But in addition to this esp file, in your mod, for release, you need to include the RESOURCES used in the mod if they are not vanilla ones.


So, a mod consists in the following things:


The esp file (the one that has to be activated via the Oblivion Launcher Data Files section, or a Mod Manager).

The meshes files (the physical objects your mod contains).

The textures files (the textures for the aforementioned objects).


A mod cannot be "saved" for release using the CS. You need to manually package all the resource files used. Or use a special software, TES4Files, to assemble your resources for packaging. You can find this software here at the Nexus.


But, a mod that uses only vanilla assets (that is, resources that are contained in the game itself, not in external mods or extra resources) doesn't need to include these resources. If your companion mod uses just vanilla assets, you can send the esp file to other people and they will be able to play your mod.


Make a list of the "things" you put on your mod and where did they came from (vanilla or modded).


For future references, before you start creating a mod, it's useful that you create a folder structure for it with all the files you will use.


Do nos hesitate to ask anything you did not understand in my exposition.



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When you save the Construction Set will save you mod with the ESP file extension (e.g. your mod will be saved as MyMod.esp). If you don't see the ESP extension it will just be because of the view options you have selected in Windows Explorer (the default setting hides extensions for known file types, and the ESP extension is associated with Oblivion).


Providing all of the meshes, textures etc. you've used for your mod can be found in the Oblivion BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) then the only file you need to distribute your mod is the ESP file. Your users will install the ESP in their Oblivion\Data folder and then activate it in Data Files (if using the default game launcher) or in their mod manager.


- Edit - Ninjaed by Ike ... how are you my friend.

Edited by Striker879
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Anytime, matey, and don't forget, anything you need to know about modding, come hera and ask. If I don't know the answer, other, more experienced, modders will.


If your mod doesn't use custom resources, you can even publish it here at the Nexus!




EDIT: Hey, Striker! Sorry, I did not see your response here before replying again. I'm fine, well, I caught yesterday a very rude innard-dwelling bacile or virus, and now I spend a noticeable amount of my time sitting on the Throne. And I don't mean the one at King's Landing, you know what I mean. Hugs!

Edited by IkeCoast
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Ouch ... you do know that those little critters outnumber us 10 to 1. Time to recruit some good ones to go toe to toe with your bad ones (ahh, just me and my yogurt).

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