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Harabec Weathers

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When I fractured my hand I went to St. Josephs Hospital thinking it was much worse than it actually was.


I now owe them $1204.35 for 3 X-Rays, an ACE Bandage, and 2 hours of thier time. $1204.36 for NOTHING to be done to my hand. All the nurse physically did to me hand was wrap and SCE Bandage around it.

Now I also own $360.00 to a doctor I had to see to get my work clearance, he also did NOTHING to my hand.

My visit to his office went as follows, I sat down, he cut off the ace bandage, moved my finger around, then said "Should be ok in a few weeks". Then he tied my pinky and ring finger together with tape and I owe him $360 for that.

On top of that I have to pay the X-ray company (???) for what, I havent the faintest idea. I did no business with them, I had nothing to do with these guys at all. Unless they magically make money off each x-ray a hospital takes I shouldn't owe them a thing. Oh wait, but Ive got a nice little bill here from them. So awesome.


So letsa re-cap.

I owe over $1,600 for NOTHING to have been done to my hand.

NOTHING at all was done to correct the bone. It healing in a weird way now. My knuckle is lower than the rest of them and the bone is sticking out under my skin. Nothing was done and I owe $1,600.


The math just doesnt add up ya know.


So awesome! :wallbash:

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I feel Sorry for you, but if i ever had a fractured hand or some injury i am covered by OHIP and free health care, its sad that the states does not have something like what Canada has, I love it here. Its a big problem and i doubt it would be fixed in the near future either.
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Can I come to Canada?




P.S. I kid you not when I say nothing was done to fix my hand. The bone is healing itself in the exact same place it was broken into.

So my hand looks like THIS


Just with skin over it and more healed.


Man this is so cool! Add these charges to my already staggering bills I already pay each month. Hey maybe if I plan my money right Ill be able to eat once a day. Maybe though.

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that is serious and needs to be set, and they say itl be fine it a week? unless they set it, you may have some messed up orblems. oh and after it heals, see if any other fingers are double jointed (i got like 4 or 5 after i broke my left arm) but that needs attention, man BADLY
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Oh my *censoring*... $1600 for nothing, and I've seen your fractured hand by your link, I'm affraid about aftermath in next times, it is worrying. Hope you get better in next weeks. I realy sympathise. I'm so sad for you, and for American people who are no healthy covered as we in France. Your new praesident Obama must do something for this, and I'm not joking... :mad:
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Oh my *censoring*... $1600 for nothing, and I've seen your fractured hand by your link, I'm affraid about aftermath in next times, it is worrying. Hope you get better in next weeks. I realy sympathise. I'm so sad for you, and for American people who are no healthy covered as we in France. Your new praesident Obama must do something for this, and I'm not joking... :mad:




Harabec, you should probably curtail other spending til you have paid it off, which I'm sure you're already doing.

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Thanks everyone for the support.


@calliton its too late to set it, its been like this for almost three weeks now. Ive almost can fully clentch a fist and spread my fingers completely despite the bone's displacement.


@fifoo yea he needs to. But the way politics work in this country it will just go round like and round like a three ring *censored* circus joke. I cannot afford health insurance nor the bill. The hospital took 3 xrays and gave me an ACE bandage. The hand specialist cut off the ace bandage and wraped two pieces of tape around my pinky and ring finger.

I could have done all that in my freaking bathroom and saved a ton of money.




I wish I could curve my spending but Im already down to eating only twice a day and not going out, EVER.

Rent, truck payment, 2 credit cards, college loan payment, car insurance, cell phone, and now all this. I only make 16,000 a year.


This BLOWS soooooooo hard.


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Thanks everyone for the support.


@calliton its too late to set it, its been like this for almost three weeks now. Ive almost can fully clentch a fist and spread my fingers completely despite the bone's displacement.


@fifoo yea he needs to. But the way politics work in this country it will just go round like and round like a three ring *censored* circus joke. I cannot afford health insurance nor the bill. The hospital took 3 xrays and gave me an ACE bandage. The hand specialist cut off the ace bandage and wraped two pieces of tape around my pinky and ring finger.

I could have done all that in my freaking bathroom and saved a ton of money.




I wish I could curve my spending but Im already down to eating only twice a day and not going out, EVER.

Rent, truck payment, 2 credit cards, college loan payment, car insurance, cell phone, and now all this. I only make 16,000 a year.


This BLOWS soooooooo hard.



*kisses it and makes it all better* :biggrin:

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You have no idea how much I wish that would work right now


Thanks you so much though :wub: , I appreciate that support form overyone! :thanks:


I just need to take a step back and carefully map this out. Ive been in dire stiuations before and come out ok, hopefully I can pull it off again.


Im going to crunches until I cant get up. Thats a good stress reliever.

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It matters what kind of broken bone you have. For example: My mum when we used to live in Russia she broke her arm and it was the complicated one(forgat the term) she paid 20000 rub which is 1000 $ I broke my leg couple of years ago (still in russia). It was a simple one so the price: 0 rub which is equal to 0 $.
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