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Harabec Weathers

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Yea once I get deployed and start actually making money (sure as hell aint making money at my crappy job) then all will be well. I just gotta ride out the storm until January.



Good luck with that. :)

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Harabec Weathers, you should go visit the the guy, with one of >these< .


Sorry about you hand, though as a layman it does look tricky to set but the hospital should have tried.


Haha nice the Apocalypse HERC from Starseige! Oh man I miss that game so much.

I agree that they should have, but hey didnt and I owe them a bunchof money. It is what it is, Im not going to dwell on it any longer. Ive almost gotten full use of my hand back, somethings still hurt to do but in a few weeks everything will be ok with it.

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