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Simplest thing would be give yourself another. Open the console and then type "player.additem 228f0 1" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. When you close the console you'll have one in your inventory.


The "player.moveto <refID>" command requires a referenceID for the item, which isn't so simple to find for something like Wabbajack that is awarded to the player by a script (in other words isn't placed in the game until the script places it in your inventory). There is one in the Testinghall if you wanted to "coc testinghall" to get that one.

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Caves are the absolute worst place to leave stuff lying on the floor ... especially staffs. Sometimes you can drop a staff on the floor in a cave and it will immediately drop through the floor into the abyss below. I use the non-respawning containers in one of the player homes or one of the wilderness non-respawning containers (I've discovered close to a dozen spread out through Cyrodiil).

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Ha ha ... good news. Reminds me of once when I'd forgotten which house the Skull of Corruption was stashed in. Made for a sort of mini pilgrimage.

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Nah, I was more curious as to where it went. Maybe I will load an older save, see if it is there and get the ID number of it. Then load up the most recent save and move to it.

Getting the form ID from when it is in your inventory or a container will not work for that. That form ID is the Base ID, the ID you need for a player.moveto is the RefID that is assigned to it WHEN you drop it into the world, so you would have to get it from a save when you were next to it on the ground, and then you would know where it is anyway. Most places you dropped it would anyway reset after 72 hours without the PC reentering the cell, and the item will have been removed from the game.

To get another one using the player.additem with the base ID or coc yourself to the testinghall and get another one.

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