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Looking for help to make compatibility patches for my mod.


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Hi hi!

Posted this in Skyrim Mod Talk but getting no response, hoping here might be the right place :smile:

I'm the author of Skyrim Swimming Enemies and i've had a fair few requests for compatibility patches for my mod and a number of other mods...thing is I have no idea how to create these compatibility patches and I'd love for more people to use my mod with their favourite overhaul, npc addings mods etc :smile:

So i'm reaching out in hopes to find someone with the knowledge and reliability who'd be able to help me by creating said compatibility patches.

You will have my eternal gratitude/praise/love/first born and of course the gratitude/praise/love/first borns of countless mod users for millennia to come :D (Also get credit on the mod page)

Feel free to PM or simply reply to this thread if you are interested.

Thank you :D :ninja:

Edited by vlaka
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