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Multiples of the same item when looting certain npc's


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Before I get into detail here's my load order: http://pastebin.com/SXHLCT0Y


Anyhows, as you can see i'm using Skyre, immersive weapons, immersive armours, jaysus (Sharlikans version) all with the appropriate skyre patches.

Thing is I'm often looting dead npc's and finding multiples of the same weapon or armour on them.

Like they'd have 3 crossbows or 4 hunting knives or for example an iron helmet equipped and another iron helmet in their inventory that isnt equipped or they'll have a piece of enchanted loot from Dynamic Loot in their inventory but theyre wearing something that isnt enchanted.


Is there something I haven't patched correctly with the skyre compatibility patches? It's been like this since early last year and I have no idea how to fix this. It's not that i don't mind free loots but it gets to the point where it's really destroying the immersion :(


I'm also using the latest version of immersive armours and the appropriate skyre compatibility patch thingo...I think that and qotsofans patches are screwing something up.


ANY and ALL help would be much appreciated :D

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Well I messed around with my skyre patches and all that and got rid of most of them, reprocced with the correct patches and things seems to be sorted.

I still find the odd double up on bows and for the life of me can't work out what's causing this O_o

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