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Animation and scripting help desired


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ok so ive made a spell for a weapon that triggers off the weapon draw animation.(cannablising the dawnguard rune hamer script . im a noob)


heres the script


Scriptname DrawSlashAbilityScript extends activemagiceffect
EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster)
if(caster == game.getPlayer())
if(RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.getPlayer(), "weaponDraw") == true)
debug.trace("weaponDraw registered")
EVENT OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
if(asEventName == "weaponDraw")
Debug.trace("the RUNE of me... get it?")
; //cast the rune and remove the stamina
game.getPlayer().damageAv("stamina", 25)
EVENT OnUnload()
UnregisterForAnimationEvent(game.getPlayer(), "weaponDraw")
*update*at the moment
what ever spell i use will trigger but unless the spell has its own casting animation (ie Elysees killing moon or maximum drive)the spell just triggers during the weapon draw itself(such as a custom made spell use the bloodskal blade animation). Ive looked at said spells animation and there crazy scirpted insane,

what i would like to know is how to force an attack animation after the draw to coincide with the spell that i set to cast during the script

i know what i need to use is Debug.SendAnimationEvent(game.getPlayer(), "AttackStartLeftHand") but no matter where i place it still doesnt work. i am a complete retard at scripting so could someone show me how to force the attack anim during the spell cast would be great.

Edited by hecks567
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It's a common misconception that AnimEvents always trigger animations. This is only true for AnimEvents associated with simple (loose) idles. Everything else can be much more complex.


AnimEvents are there to trigger certain activities withing the behavior graph, and to communicate between behavior graph and engine. Often this will result in forcing a certain animation, but often it will not. And this is not only dependent of the AnimEvent, but also on the state of the behavior at the specific moment. Because the bg often is in states where it does only accept few specific AnimEvents. Everything else is simply ignored.

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but i understand that the attack anim im refering to requires the drawn weapon state and that my script is calling for the attack anim too early before im registered as in a legit drawn weapon mode to trigger the anim. how can i use script fuction to wait or debug me to a state viable for the attack anim to work.

Edited by hecks567
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