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Fallout Robot Wars?


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How might one go about modifying the random spawn lists in the wastes so that instead of raiders, super mutants, ghouls, etc, the game would spawn the Protections, Enclave battle robots, etc like that? I think it'd make for an amusing atmosphere. It could be like the Fallout world's version of the Terminator future war sequences.


I'm asking because I'd like to do a very small mod that incorporates it. It'd also have a small faction of resistance members and a few small battles with lasers flying everywhere and gunfire lighting up the night.

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have you looked up Cybernetic Dawn?


Yes I have. What I am saying is just using the regular game's resources. Just a simple ESP that changes the spawn lists of the wasteland to have the vanilla game's robots instead of raiders, zombies, etc. I was just curious how I would go about doing that. That is, modifying the spawn lists.

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