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This or That?


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Laughing because if you do it at someone for no reason they'd probably punch you but if your crying at someone it just makes you look emo.


Grammar or efficiency

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Fortune, most couldn't bear fame without the accompanying fortune...


Knight or Samurai?


Believe it or not....samurai (those guys were seriously intense)


If you had to play Oblivion/Fallout3 on a console ..... PS3 or 360?

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Love it - two for one.


360, because I have fallout for the 360 already :rolleyes:

English, Or Science? (Lesson-wise)

English - had I gone to college I would be an English teacher right now. :wink:

stank...its past tence...also a snails tank

k's or 9's


9's - because nobody likes it when three K's show up :yucky:


Ice Cream or Sherbet?

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