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Change arrow speed from list via script?


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Anyway to setup a script that changes the speed of projectiles based on what is in a list?


Or just changes any/all projectile speeds without having to be item specific?



What I would like to do is run a script that looks at stuff in a list and applies a change of speed to it be it player or NPC.


Tho I assume changing the the individual items would be more efficient. ><

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I think maybe using SKSE. Possibly be something like the following.


Scriptname SomeScript Extends ReferenceAlias

FormList Property WeaponList Auto

Float Property SpeedAdjustment Auto

Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)

If WeaponList.HasForm(akBaseObject)

Float StartSpeed = (akBaseObject as weapon).GetSpeed()

SetSpeed((akBaseObject as weapon),(StartSpeed * SpeedAdjustment))



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I think maybe using SKSE. Possibly be something like the following.


Scriptname SomeScript Extends ReferenceAlias

FormList Property WeaponList Auto

Float Property SpeedAdjustment Auto

Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)

If WeaponList.HasForm(akBaseObject)

Float StartSpeed = (akBaseObject as weapon).GetSpeed()

SetSpeed((akBaseObject as weapon),(StartSpeed * SpeedAdjustment))



Mmmmm wouldn't that be referencing attack speed and not projectile speed?

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