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Destroy Soul Gems And Free The Souls traped Inside Them?


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Not really. That's where souls trapped inside Azura's star go after their energy is used. There's no contradiction.

Believe as you wish. I still see major contradiction. The souls go to a gem, then apparently NOT in the weapon where they would logically need to be bound to power it. I see that as a contradiction for the purpose of a shoehorned in revelation about the nature of soultrapping. As if powering something with a murder victim wasn't obvious enough.


Anyway, in my logical opinion, your soul can't be simultaneously in fancy pants arbitrary limbo AND powering an item at once. If a soul is going to be in limbo it would be in the weapon itself. Being lore is not an excuse to make little sense at all.

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Probably lost in translation. I thought you meant it contradicted with the mechanics of Azura's Star which has a realm inside it, not with the entire idea of soul trapping in the first place. But yeah I get that point. I initially thought of soul trapping the same way as you did, just like how it is in full metal alchemist. LOL.

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Blegh, this soulcairn thing sounds like crappy new Bethesda lore. (aka, an idea formed in five minutes without really thinking) It kinda contradicts what happens in Azura's Star as well.


I could've sworn that all souls were magicka energy, and flow through the universe in an implied loop in this series, thus making their usage in a weapon or item a little bit more complicated, but still a part of that cycle. Whatever though... this is a specific area that often ends up asinine, especially from devs like Bethesda. It's a stretch, facilitated by a stretch, and proven by a stretch.


You've never heard of TES: Battlespire? That's where they introduced the Soul Cairn. It was published after Daggerfall, and I think bringing back that place in a somewhat logical way is a great accomplishment. So it's not exactly "new" lore.

And the idea *does* have some creepy vibe. Just think, when you kill and soultrap a Thalmor or Nazeem, they'll have an eternity of Soulcairn coming in! muahaahaa!

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What about a transmute sort of spell, that removes filled black soulgem from your inventory and summons a random ghost to fight for you. If you are good aligned you can dismiss him or her, but it would also be useful for necromancers.

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I would love to see a Mod like this, for all Soul Gems, not just the black ones....Like Lobo I don't use enchantments, personally I always found the idea of catching souls horrific and would love to be able to free them.

problem is, you dont know what souls is inside, say you have a grand soul gem and you want to free the thing inside, you smash it and a falmer jumps out and murders you.

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