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Opening Two Instances of TES Construction Set


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Hi all,


I've been looking at two modders' versions of the same basic mod, and wanted to be able to compare their scripts side-by-side to check for differences in the coding. The problem is, I don't want to have to open and re-open the two mods one at a time. I recall reading somewhere that it was possible to open two instances of the Construction Set, but I can't find it now. If anyone could tell me how to do so, or direct me to information about how to do so, it will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks much,


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Try making 2 folder or 2 copies of the CS.exe and/or it's folder and rename the copy to something else.


you might also need to have a copy of the oblivion.esm file because two programs using the same files could cause problems.


if that doesn't work, you could copy the script's text into 2 instances of notepad or into just one while the other script is open in the CS.

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It is from the beginners-tutorial. You only need to change some settings in the .ini.

It is explained here: Useful settings in CS.

(Of course, you can activate only one at once

Keep that in mind, only tick the set active by one of them. You should load the other one (CS-window) without setting it to active.

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