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Dwarf Fortress


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The 40D# merge should be happening soon. Once that is done and RantingRodent updates his graphics pack shortly afterwards I'd like to get that Lets Play going! :yes:
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I recently sat down to build a nice little fort of my own. It was great fun, but it didn't take long before the booze ran low. I had a brewery built next to the kitchen, hoping that it'd be able to stabilize the alcohol-stockpiles. It didn't work out... I must have missed a step in the productionline, since there were nothing to brew. I assumed it was herbs I had to have gathered, but I realized that that wasn't it. Right after that, the fort went dry. The dwarves stopped working on their various tasks and took to loitering in the halls, which was quite annoying, since they left my beautiful throneroom only halfway excavated, with boulders littering the floor. They began going outside to drink from the nearby river, which the few present predators made sure to exploit. So, I currently have one mountain filled with depressed dwarves, halfway excavated tunnels and running low on food, since no-one feels like working without their precious ale.


Maybe I should start over. :laugh:

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Sounds like you may have fallen prey to the same bug I did when I had a go with the new version yesterday. For some reason, dwarves refuse to plant crops on ground that isn't irrigated - even if said ground is soil, and shouldn't need irrigating. Quite a major bug really, and one which definitely needs sorting out. Someone needs to write a decent tutorial for the new miitary system too.


i think I'm gonna wait until the merge before I try it again, perhaps.

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  • 1 month later...
Still intending to do this, but I keep waiting for the next update. 'Okay so now we got the whole merge done. Just a bugfix release now and we will start this' 'Update! Hmm maybe I should wait for a few more bugfixing updates'.
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Yeah, it's still pretty broken atm. The military doesn't work properly, and my dwarves have an annoying habit of working themselves to death on a regular basis. Not to mention all the invincible forgotten beasts - those are fun. Once those three things are fixed, that'll be pretty much all the major bugs dealt with though, I think.
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I think the priority of work/food/sleep have been balanced better now. Still, the military screen is very confusing and I'm not sure if training has been fixed yet.


And yeah the megabeasts are unkillable, I generated a large world for 2000 years and of the hundred or something megabeasts only 1 ever died in WorldGen.

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I dunno, in the most recent release, I lost all 6 of my masons because they decided to carry on making doors instead of drinking anything. And yeah, military is still bugged - dwarves won't train at all if you order them to, the only way you can get any training done is by making them inactive, in which case they'll go and do solo training drills - which isn't ideal. And I've still lost entire squads because they got stuck in some kind of horrible training loop and died of thirst.


The invincible megabeasts are more of a problem when they turn up in your fort. The randomly generated ones often end up being made of stone, or not having any heads, or something, and thus being impossible to kill by conventional means. Of course, drowning them in magma still works, mostly. There have been reports of some being made of steam though, which might be able to survive that (I forget exactly).

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Holy crap! :woot:


This page doesn't represent everything we'd like to do. It just has some of the things we're thinking about doing sooner rather than later. We'll be adding to it as specific roadmaps are drawn up and we are closer to using them.

After the bug fixes it looks like Adventure mode will finally get very interesting! :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new version, 0.31.10 looks pretty good. No more unkillable megabeasts, no more infinite bleeding, maces and other blunt weapons are now more viable in combat, marksdwarves work properly, as do hunters, no more Arsenal Dwarf, and you can now do various things such as butchery and stone working in adventure mode too.


It's looking like pretty much all the major problems are sorted, at last - though I haven't had time to give it a go yet, and I'm not sure whether military is properly fixed yet or not - or dwarves working themselves to death.


EDIT: Marksdorfs still wont train properly. But they do shoot at enemies now, instead of trying to whack them over the head with their crossbows!

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