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RPG names of games that are not point and click!!


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Go raibh maith agat ( thank you very much..jim_uk-Halororor-Pinhole-Illiad86-Ancient Eon-Herculine and Maigrets..hope I didn't miss anyone, more direct replies below..with my dyslexia its easier that way then try and quote you all..I still don;t know how to do many qoutes..,


One and all I did not expect anyone would answer... :D

let me try to answer you all at once..

Some I have tried demos mentioned.., did not like..I am trying the GOTY Deus Ex right now on Steam...so far so good..which.. I guess is the percusser to Bio Shock which I do have also..I like its strategy, plus semi linear, you can explore, and there is two possible endings, and moral choices, not just shoot em up.That ended in my Quake arena and UT days...

.Good Game that one Bio Shock.....worth the price on Steam.


I have Dark Messiah M&M I still take out as well as Arx Fatalis, its on Steam also and I do believe the latter one got way underrated, its a good game, OK the charector graphics are a bit choppy bodies that is..its an old one, but the story line is good, I can overlook that, I love both those game..


Illiad86..I will not be getting on the MMO boat, for sure la..SP RPG's is my thing now I love being something other than humyn also Elves especially.. only time I did online is my Unreal days UT3 and UT4 which I both modded skins for, and did hand a few blokes their arses, that so does put them off, when they find out your a womon...but its mostly young boys that want to prove they're bad arse, so that turns me off to online playing..to many jerks in the midst..and most MMO are point and click lil ants below you, sorry I like the feel of the sword in my hand, running where I need too go without pointing, and certainly swing my sword when i want to not after I click someone its just not my cup of tea..As I understand most MMO are point and click Aye???


..jim_uk..ah a bloke from my side of the pond, well then across the short pond...'ello mate..Now to me because of the Nexus community modders, Oblivion and Morrowind, and Fallout 3 will long live..and to me Oblivion far exceeds anything put out to this date..

I even found on Planet Elder Scrolls, seems as far as Morrowind more up to date then our dear Nexus.. 2009 Morrowind mods 7 pages of them that make it look like and feel brand new game..if itr wasn't for the nlasted fighting system, game crashes and levvelling system, that game is oen fithe best also...Of course with Script and Graphic extender..ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!.exe.. and the FPS organizer..



Ancient Aeon you said..."according to the reviews (again) there are "Mass Effect", "Bioshock", "Neverwinter Nights 2", "Fable", "Valkyria Chronicles", "Marvel: Ultimate Alliance" (if you loved action, and also offered many action). (Mass Effect and Bioshock looks promising)"


Will check them out as I said I have BioShock and I do love it..but if any of the other have any wee ant people , one must look down at, or point and click its a no go for me..Mass Effect I will take a look at see if there is Demo on Steam..I love adventure but not constant shoot em up games anymore...


Herculine-OT I almost replied womyns Nexus inthe overrun topic for you to go girl, but been in much pain...we have allot in common you and I :wink:

I have Two Worlds allot say they did not like it, I did.. but this bloke, made an Elite version harder on the Two Worlds Forum, and then at my asking, made him into a female for me..she's a tad Dykey looking but then that fits me well enough... :whistling: I do also come from also a long line of Irish warrior womyn...here in West Cork..suits me fine..

Lookng forward to Two Worlds:The Temptation not coming out till 2010 though.. :confused:

I have tried the Witcher demo did not like it, they say the Wicher enhanced is suppose to be better..But I really take issue, with all the sexism in games that force you to play as a man..lets not get me on that one..lol


Maigrets last but not least..( OT..one of my favourite modders, BTW I am still enjoying Alice..I feel safe with her around.. :thumbsup: anymore cuddilies inthe making, and do you take PM requests..????


I am playing GOTY Deus EX I think its I.. Demo on Steam right now, on your advice..tis not bad..I like adventure but not yet sure this is my kind or taste but I am trying it.,I will take your advice with 2, as a no go.....have you Tried Bio Shock Demo is on Steam I think you'll like it...???


DL Demo of Thief deadly shadows to give it a go. as you mentrioned also..., and I don't know if it me eyes or what, but I am just not real good at all the sneaking about...I got killed often..lol...

AS fro Vamp the Masquerade is there a demo I think I tried it, not sure that wasa the one.. and I found the movement difficult in it or something..I am not an arrow up down person. I have a Logictec G11 gaming keyboard, which makes life easier and lets me map the way I want...I also have my Kensington Expert mouse with the huge ball in the middle and wheel around it for wheel up and down in game..and four buttons surrounding the ball.. can be used..makes its easier on my hands...for sure..When a game does not let me use my setup, its usually gone in short order..


Gothic2, would this be point and click G2 I'll try the Demo tis not on Steam, if you know where it is , and if it lets you map your own keys, and mouse, and is not point and click I might give it a go, point me int me right direction..also the website to the enhancement you mentioned..if you'd be so kind...


AS I said the Witcher Demo I did not like,the enhanced one is better, might try again..but it just was a wee wonky for me, you know mate....

Thanks for your wonderful suggestion I have a few to try out.. :smile:


I do apprecite you all answering and input I have some to try..as we say here in Éire, Go raibh mile maith agat (A thousand thank yous) for your time and replies..they were appreciated.. :thumbsup:


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AS fro Vamp the Masquerade is there a demo I think I tried it, not sure that wasa the one.. and I found the movement difficult in it or something..I am not an arrow up down person. I have a Logictec G11 gaming keyboard, which makes life easier and lets me map the way I want...I also have my Kensington Expert mouse with the huge ball in the middle and wheel around it for wheel up and down in game..and four buttons surrounding the ball.. can be used..makes its easier on my hands...for sure..When a game does not let me use my setup, its usually gone in short order..


Gothic2, would this be point and click G2 I'll try the Demo tis not on Steam, if you know where it is , and if it lets you map your own keys, and mouse, and is not point and click I might give it a go, point me int me right direction..also the website to the enhancement you mentioned..if you'd be so kind...


I couldn't find a demo for Vampire Bloodlines but I bought the game and loved it. It plays well in my opinion, you can play it as a shooter if you like or close up hand to hand and melee weapons. Or a bit of both. (Plus vampire abilities of course)


You can play male/female characters of various clans and classes and differences ingame due to what you picked adding to replayability.


Gothic2 is one I would highly recommend, it's certainly no point and click game and you can only play as "Olde Nameless" who is a male but don't let that put you off if you like great RPGs.


It can seem clunky for a while the way the general moving around works but once you are an experienced player you won't remember it seeming like that and will feel as natural as any other game you've enjoyed playing.


It's got a lot of content which is a must for me and things you need to learn about to maximise your characters power, sacrificing eating the rare ingredient you find early on for a little stats boost to wait and make a potion you will be able to make later for a better boost to your stats being an example.


The combat is great, you will go much better learning to time your clicks and stringing combos together than mashing the buttons although at low levels when your combo is only a 2 link chain the button mashing can sometimes work better on the harder enemies but you need to mash a movement key in syncro with the attack key for it to work.


At mastery levels of combat you get a 4 link combo chain that is quite powerful but if you miss your timing the enemies will punish you for it. (The Witcher works in a similar way and is one of the reasons I like that game too.) Give me timing the button presses and paying attention to the animations rather than button spamming anyday thank you very much.


Get a copy with the Night of the Raven expansion added and you got what's already a masterpiece with a bonus included. (playing with the expansion the whole game is a little harder in difficulty level)

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I liked the Witcher. It didn't need the frantic point and click you get from rpgs like Oblivion. Oblivion is a great game but that's what it is. Gothic3 is huge but is like Oblivion in that regard. I liked it.


System Shock 2 is a fantastic game. Scary as hell. It also plays like Half-life but has a ton of strategy associated with it.

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Here are some that nobody has listed yet:

-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (especially with Oblivion Lost 2009 RC1)

-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

-TES 1: Arena (free off of Bethesda's website)

-TES 2: Daggerfall (free off of Bethesda's website)

-TES 3: Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon

-Dungeon Siege (it uses point and click and/or WASD movements)

-Ultima 9

-Guild Wars (this is an online game but it's free)

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Here are some that nobody has listed yet:

-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (especially with Oblivion Lost 2009 RC1)

-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

It has a few RPG elements but I wouldn't call them RPGs.



Very good games though! :)

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Has anyone mentioned Gothic 1,2,3?!... if not then you should definetly give'em a try even they are not as polished as Morrowind and Oblivion. Gothic 3 was my personal favourite. It has many bugs, yes, but there are some community patches available that fix most of them.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all..For your replies..


I am Playing Gothic 3 now, Gothic 2 was a bit clunky for me dyslexia as far as keyboard and mouse..But Gothic 3 has been redeemed by the Community patch 1.73 is out its like a new game, imrpoved AI and harder ..many bugs squashed and fixes and additions.its like a new game in looks and play...Its called Gothic 3 enhanced now....

I also just DL from Steam just out brand new RP from same people who did the Gothic series Risen..Anyone tried it yet???

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