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Trouble with Qarl's Texture Pack III


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Okay, so I'm new to modding, got the Unofficial Oblivion Mod and OBMM with no problems. Downloaded Qarl's, added it to the OBMM, seems to be working fine according to OBMM (file had that small blue square next to it), but when I'm in game I get no option of turning on the mod like others seem to be able to. I read a few forums saying that it may have been because of my steam games going into UAC folder, so I moved them to my downloads, but still no luck. Like I say I'm a complete novice when it comes to modding, so I may be missing something glaringly obvious. Any ideas appreciated as this is the third time I've attempted to learn about mods and would rather commit seppuku than to try again; it's ridiculously stressful.


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Can't give you any help specific to Qarl's as I don't use it myself, but to get Oblivion and Steam out from under UAC's grasp I suggest following bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location. Also note the part about registry cleaning. I can't say for sure whether it's needed for Steam installed Oblivion, but run CCleaner after uninstalling Oblivion and rebooting to check if it finds any leftover registry entries. Those leftover entries will cause problems with your re-install if not cleaned out.


The recommended location for Steam and thus Oblivion is C:\Games. You could call the folder anything you want (doesn't need to be Games) ... the important point is that you create it outside of any UAC protected folders.


Another thing that Qarl's may or may not require is archive invalidation. That's a method of telling the game to use replacement assets instead of the ones found in the default game's BSA files (compressed files that the game uses ... e.g Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa). The simplest way to activate archive invalidation is using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Click on the Utilities button and select Archive Invalidation from the menu. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue that opens select BSA Redirection, and considering you use the Steam version of the game click Update BSA Timestamps and then click Update Now (Steam in their infinite wisdom changed the dates for all of the vanilla game BSA files, thus breaking archive invalidation for any replacer mods that aren't newer than the date they reset it to ... real bright guys). OBMM doesn't commit it's changes until you completely close it so close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM.


Should prove far less messy than seppuku.

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