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I am interested in this idea alot but it is techincally very difficult to do a good job of.



You would need to have different sets of animations and also not lag the game during combat.


The enemy needs to decide whether to keep fighting or run away.


The enemy would need to be able to grab a weapon in their left hand and attack with it.


It would be awesome tho to blow off the limbs of feral ghouls and have them relentlessly claw their way towards you.


from picking up the body parts after dismemberment tho. the vanilla dismemberment seems kind of similar to skycaptains dismemberment for oblivion.

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the MMM mod did it with gouls, you could shoot off the arms and they would still come at you. pretty funny actually. Legs wouldn't work because then even if they were alive they would just lay on the ground with no way to move. though i guess that can work too.


but yeah this is possible. just a lot of work.

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