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Well, I dunno why I've never posted on the forums. Shame on me! Well, anyways, people mainly refer to me as Revan or simply 'Rev'. The name itself, while not original, I've kinda grown into only being known as such.


Moving along from my name, I'm making this topic before I lose my internet for about a week. I am moving to Iowa on Monday and I am taking all my stuff with me, so obviously, no internet for that time plus until we actually get a service up there. I just wanted to say 'Hi, everyone' because I've been reading the forums a lot today and came to the conclusion of 'Why haven't I talked to any of these people? They sound really nice and there's not much chance of trolling....unless of course if I was looking back at the members who've been banned for such things and even more, that I won't get into because that seems like a really delicate subject, so I should mind my own business. My goodness, that was an enormous run-on sentence! I usually don't do that unless I'm hungry....oh what do ya know!


Putting my randomness aside, I'm not here cause I mod, but rather, to see great mods for both Fallout 3 (surprisingly runs on my gaming comp, as my gaming comp really....well....isn't that powerful. Still runs great, for the most part) and Oblivion (runs like a tank. Muhahaha) be made. If I do pick up modding for either game, I must say, I look forward into hopefully getting help from people pick up the basic understandings of how to do things. I, to be honest, am quite dumb when it comes to such things. Heh....but I guess I'm being too hard on myself... that's natural for me.


Anyways, looking forward to making many new friends here! I like making friends. :) Not in the creepy way mind you.... lol ;D

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Thank you all! My friends will be here to get me later in the afternoon. Going up Monday. Good lord, this is going to be so stressful....and the first few weeks will be hectic, but that's common as far as I hear. Eh, at least I get to play with the Wii they're bringing down with them. We can play on it until we need to go to bed and then we get the rest of my stuff packed up tomorrow, e.g., my insulin, other meds like my Synthroid, etc. All the bathroom essentials. Just all that junk that I need to survive and overall just a general lifestyle. I actually graduated on May 29th, this year and very proud of the school I went to! Without them, I wouldn't have gained the confidence I have today. And I'm less shy because of that school. Look at that, eh? Awesome!


Overall, I think it'll go well for me, but I have this tiny feeling that something, somewhere will go horribly wrong. Parents are sad that I am going as I am their only child and everything. Well...I shouldn't be stressing to you guys, I already have been stressing too much today to vent it out on a forum. I guess speaking my mind helps, but I mean, who wants to hear me nagging on about my life? :P


And do note, I am trying to keep my language clean on here. I try to be family friendly in a public place and public forums on the Internet count in my book.

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I want to know what type of gun that is...since I have an itchy trigger finger myself. (both in games, and in real life) I can't see the pic too well, so I won't make any absurd assumptions...but one thing I will say, is that it's the right color.
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