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The twilight saga


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A friend of mine went and walked out pretty quickly.


So I may have not given it as chance but I trust my friend's judgement that it sucked, so now I have my proof as opposed to just saying it sucks without even seeing half the trilaer let alone giving the movie a chance.



Oh and REAL Vampires don't Sparkle.

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You know, I noticed something interesting. People sure talk a lot about things that they don't like. Why? The answear to this question is far more complicated that we'd like to admit and I'm not going to try to explain things that are way more complex than my logical thinking. With the use of imagination I could simply generate 1000 answears to the question.

What I find interesting is that we all gather here on these forums and start talking about things that we don't like, like the Twilight saga. Does it even have a point on keep doing it? I mean why do we feel the need to talk so much about it? Why not focus more on things that we do like?

Newton's Third Law of Motion:

Whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

I think this about sums up why there's always proportionally growing hate for anything that has a huge following.


Not that I like Twilight or even think it remotely resembles anything "good", in my opinion it's the shallowest, most useless form of literature that has gotten out to the mainstream media. But that's just me.

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Ah Twilight the best book I ever read- OH MY FRICKIN GOD! I AM SO SICK OF HEARING THAT! Y'know before I hated it because of the ridiculous fan obsession but then one of my friends convinced me to give it a chance and I read the book and wtf. *I* was offended and I'm not even a chick! I mean what the Hell if thats not cheauvenism (I know I mispelled it but i'm not going to bother looking it up because not even me blasting it is worth any kind of effort) I don't know that the F$#k is. As for the "innacuracy" of vampirism in the book that I'm not so pissed at (the innacuracy thing, I hated vampirism in twilight but i'm not pissed that it was different) because vampirism to me is something more open to interpretation and less linear than a set guideline of possessing certain strengths and weaknesses. I also thought that other than Edward and Jacob all the guys in twilight were portrayed as pathetic saps who couldn't keep their eyes off of Bella because she was from a big city and they were all from a little bo-dunk town. It agitated the hell out of me that Meyer made all of the "average joes" look like dumbasses and also kind of bashed on small towns (the whole we lap up something new like it's illegal narcotics) that probably has something to do with being from a little town with only about 500 people in the school and everyone knows everyone and we have a few new kids from places like Chicago and other larger cities and no one gives a rat's ass that they're something new and different. I also found it hilarious that when you ask a girl WHY they think Edward is hot they stammer and can't give you a good reason. Okay, I had my rant on the subject had to give my two bits on the subject. But just to reiterate


Stephanie Meyer if you read this:

-I read your book and I still hate Twilight

-Don't make women look helpless it offends even some of us guys

-Don't ever make so many guys such saps for a single girl again

-ESPECIALLY if it's a small town and the whole reason is that she's "new" 'cause that's bull

-Bram Stoker kicks your ass when it comes to writing vampire novels.

That is all.

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With all of the Twilight haters here.. I'm half worried to post my opinion.. but I wouldn't be me if I didn't do it anyways ;D


I'm a 30 yr old woman, I do NOT think the actors in these movies are "hawt", I've seen every vampire movie made I do believe, I've read most all vampire books that I've come across. I love the horror movies although the only ones that scare me are ghost and zombies lol!!!

Anyways.. with that said, I couldn't wait to see this movie and I too sat through a theatre full of screaming hormones, but I actually really liked both Twilight and New Moon. A much different twist.. but if everyone did the same thing and most do.. it's the same ole same ole. I think it's nice to have some change and a different vision of it. My opinion ... don't hate me!? ;D



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What I'm now finding amazing is the fact that this now qualifies as a legitimate debate. Sure, it's bad, and I hate it, but wow. This does seem to be going rather far.


The biggest irk of all for me is simple: Sparkling. Seriously. Vampires sparkling in sunlight? That is an epic WHAT THE did someone say fudge?!?!?!?!(yup. WTF alone doesn't quite suit it) if ever one.


I'm gonna stop this before my rant turns to the most epic form of nerd rage imaginable. Have a nice day!

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to Shamikka

We don't hate you. No book and no movie is loved by every person in the world nor is any book or movie hated by every person in the world (okay that second one is debatable but you get the point) and you are perfectly entitled to like twilight and new moon and I commend your bravery for posting with all of us expressing our dislike of it. We dislike the books and movies and if that were all we probably wouldn't be having this large scale of a thread but what annoys us (well me at least) is the ridiculous craze it's inspired in people who DO like it, of course not all are insane obsessed fans who have fantasies about the actors and actresses in the movies , and not all blather on and on and on about the book to everyone in sight and flip out when someone says "actually I don't care for the books or the movies that much." (I hade a girl slap me because I said exactly those words it was hilarious) but the huge numbers that do cause us who dislike the twilight saga to be just as opinionated although we may not voice said opinions in as many or as large of public forums (not meaning like THIS forum, y'know places and things etc.) and I believe more rationally (you see anyone go to jail for stabbing a twilight fan? no? didn't think so.). Additionally the extreme conversation on the subject at school and other venues leads those of us who dislike the books and movies already to search even more for more evidence as to why more people should dislike it (probably why I'm so offended by the whole swooning over big city girls in a small town).

Thankee for your time.

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And besides, this is the debate thread, we're not allowed to "Slaughter" anyone for their oppinion. In fact I was hoping a Twilight fan cvame by sooner, at least one who could hold an intelligent conversation giving good reasons why Twilight wasn't as bad as many of us non-fans say it is.

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