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The twilight saga


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to Shamikka

We don't hate you. No book and no movie is loved by every person in the world nor is any book or movie hated by every person in the world (okay that second one is debatable but you get the point) and you are perfectly entitled to like twilight and new moon and I commend your bravery for posting with all of us expressing our dislike of it. We dislike the books and movies and if that were all we probably wouldn't be having this large scale of a thread but what annoys us (well me at least) is the ridiculous craze it's inspired in people who DO like it, of course not all are insane obsessed fans who have fantasies about the actors and actresses in the movies , and not all blather on and on and on about the book to everyone in sight and flip out when someone says "actually I don't care for the books or the movies that much." (I hade a girl slap me because I said exactly those words it was hilarious) but the huge numbers that do cause us who dislike the twilight saga to be just as opinionated although we may not voice said opinions in as many or as large of public forums (not meaning like THIS forum, y'know places and things etc.) and I believe more rationally (you see anyone go to jail for stabbing a twilight fan? no? didn't think so.). Additionally the extreme conversation on the subject at school and other venues leads those of us who dislike the books and movies already to search even more for more evidence as to why more people should dislike it (probably why I'm so offended by the whole swooning over big city girls in a small town).

Thankee for your time.


Thanks :) I'm glad you don't hate me!


I truely do understand why so many people hate/despise this movie and book series and I agree on a lot of the points that most everyone has made when it comes to what vampires are and should be about or lack there of.. but when it comes down to it.. I did enjoy the movies, although I never did read her books and probably never will.


I have a teen daughter and took her to see them.. while skeptical, amazingly enough.. I liked them. Maybe it's only because I'm a sap for love stories.. heck I am female afterall LOL


While I didn't enjoy it because of the actors/actress, which IMHO I seriously don't think are all that good looking anyways.. I did enjoy the story line behind the movie and it's more of a 'teen' movie anyways. Most of the good vampire movies are rated Restricted, so the younger teens aren't even allowed in.. so i think this was mostly based for teenagers and evidently.. that's the majority of the "twilight fans" isn't it?

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What irks me the most on this, is that if you read the books that trublood is based off of, you will see that a lot of ideas and names were taken from this series and used in twilight. Some one who steals ideas shouldent be getting this fame.
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I tried reading the first Twilight book once (they had it at the library at the school so I borrowed it there). Next day, I returned it without hesitation. IMHO, the beginning of the book was so slow and boring that I already lost complete interest in it. Having had a bad experience with it, I chose not to read any other books based on the series and haven't still as of yet. I was worried about the movies being bad as well, so I also chose to never see them.


Maybe I'm being harsh with not choosing to give the others a chance, but I wasn't impressed with the first book, and all the other books are just a continuation of the first so yeah... 


And love stories are getting so overused nowadays...

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And love stories are getting so overused nowadays...



That's because they're easy to relate to (for most people). Sure, none of us have ever met a vampire, but we've all almost all of us have been in love.


Twilight is really just a romance story with vampires and werewolves chucked in, I'm not suprised it's so unpopular with the male dominated forum community.

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Just like my hatred for Neko characters in anime. What started as a general disinterest became hate after numerous attacks from rabid groups or irrational fans attacking me because I wasn't a fan of the thing they love the most.
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I guess I can contribute my distaste for this movie by the fact that I have developed a certain image in my mind of what a vampire should be. Aside from the idea that they suck blood, Twilight vampires defy every aspect of the image my mind has set up. The most accurate modern interpretation of a vampire that fits in with my mental image would have to be this guy: http://www.animeresimleri.com/data/media/1...rd_hellsing.jpg


It's just to me, i can't bring myself to accept that a vampire has the capabilities of sustaining a social life, let alone enroll in high school. When you say vampire, I envision a reclusive blood sucking creature, generally hiding from most people and really, REALLY messed up in the head. Not a guy who wakes up at 6 AM, eats breakfast(whatever that may be), grabs a backpack making sure he has all his homework, and hopes to god no one sees his teeth. That's no vampire, that's a human with a dental abnormality that just so happens to have a bizzare skin condition that makes them sparkle in sunlight. Ugh. i wouldn't wish that fate upon my worst enemy.


That is an epic WHAT THE *ban me*?!?!?!?!


Very interesting word filter.... I'll have to hold back more often....





But seriously though. Whatever happen to the creatures of the night? The blood suckers of legend, born from Vlad the impaler's reign? (yes, I'm aware that even the vampires we mostly like now are indeed the product of a media twisted legend. But I like them that way. It fits.)

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Is there not a part in the books were the girl gets a paper cut and one of the vamps trys to kill her? This makes no sense seeing as they are in a highschool, were fights and blood are sure to be around.

So yes i agree with you Sniperwhere, the image of them makes no sense.

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"And Vampires dating humans?


That's like a recovering Drug Addict dating Crack" *quoted from a video posted a few pages ago*


The longer a Vampire lives the more detached from humans they become. And really, Edward going to kill himself because his girlfriend thinks he's dead and moved on without him? Not only does that set a VERY bad example for teens who see the movie but really, living for 100 something years he should be able to "get over it" and know for a fact there are plenty of fish in the sea. Well, unless being ageless leaves you stuck in the mental state of the age you gained immortality at, thus making you a hormonal teenager for all eternity.


Also, why the hell do they never make Bella a Vampire?

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I believe they do in one of the books...how cliche :rolleyes:


lol...bf is watching a video where someone is faking a screening of Twilight and then making the fans have an intervention ;D



wee bit of language


just having a discussion with my mother in law about this...she's got grown 40 something year old women at work screaming about this crap...what has this world come to?

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