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The twilight saga


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These books do set horrible examples for children(only 16 ), i mean cmon, your bf or gf leaves you, then you kill your self?! :ohmy: Plus, in the last book isnt there a lot of vampire

"woo-hooing"? :pinch: doesnt seem like something that should be put in a movie that kids are watching and reading befor the schools(if they even do) teach sex ed

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These books do set horrible examples for children(only 16 ), i mean cmon, your bf or gf leaves you, then you kill your self?! :ohmy: Plus, in the last book isnt there a lot of vampire

"woo-hooing"? :pinch: doesnt seem like something that should be put in a movie that kids are watching and reading befor the schools(if they even do) teach sex ed


Then why do school libraries have this series available for all students to read? Shoot, they're making the freshmen at my school (14 and 15 year olds) read this stuff as required school reading... Wha...?!

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Then why do school libraries have this series available for all students to read? Shoot, they're making the freshmen at my school (14 and 15 year olds) read this stuff as required school reading... Wha...?!


Oh wow thats sad. looks like the worlds heading towards daywalking sparklers


but really, imagine that a girl is with a boy and said boy breaks up with girl. then said girl decids that she will kill herself becouse it was in twilight and it would be cool. im all for older ppl reading and watching this book and movie but kids who are like 12 13 14 prolly shouldnt, becouse of said(like saying that) reason.

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Hence why I spend a lot of time indoors.



I thought it was because you were a vampire.



Do you Sparkle in the sunlight? :P


lol, well I know I surely don't, and I really wonder why vampires do in Twilight... :rolleyes:

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but really, imagine that a girl is with a boy and said boy breaks up with girl. then said girl decids that she will kill herself becouse it was in twilight and it would be cool. im all for older ppl reading and watching this book and movie but kids who are like 12 13 14 prolly shouldnt, becouse of said(like saying that) reason.
I don't know if that is true that a school has that as required reading unless it has something to do with being "in the spotlight" rather than being of quality.


I seem to recall being forced to read something in school by an old author about the tragic love between a girl and a boy. They could not be together so one "faked" her death but tragically, the message about the plan did not make it to the boy and upon hearing how his beloved was dead, he killed himself. When she awakes to find him dead, she then kills herself.


I don't recall how that story imparted how there are many "fish in the sea" but I does show that taking such drastic action so quickly is a poor idea. Both the movie and the Shakespeare story show this but only the Twilight movie ended without the boy getting himself killed.


Although, I was wondering why he didn't just have a wolfy boy do the honors rather than the stunt he pulled to get the head vampires to order his death. ;) Oh, that's right, deep down, he didn't really want to die...he was looking for attention and if he had to die, he wanted to go out in a big sparkly fireball! (yep, I'm just making stuff up at this point just to be funny)



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