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Mod with pretty faces only?


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1. Save files

You can transplant someone else's pretty faces onto your saved files. Look into 'Saved Games' category.

- Tools: Elder Facelift, Oblivion Face Exchange Lite, Wrye Bash


2. Better Textures

Installing better face texture will make difference.

- For vanilla race age maps: Natural Faces or Improved Facial Textures

Then get and install some face texture.


3. Custom Races

There're many custom races, and mostly they aim better-looking. Get any custom race and cosmetic mod, then try.


4. Patience

Making good face with Facegen sliders need much patience. Generate any random face until finding nice one, then tweak it.


5. SI Facegen Modeller

You can make decent looking face, and transplant it via 'Facegen to Oblivion converter'. However, the best result is given by applying the face on vanilla human head mesh or throttlekitty's Head06 base mesh. Some popular custom head mesh, like idkrrr's Corean head mesh can give worst result.

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