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Anyone know how to fix XML HUD problem(pics included)


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Hello I'm having a problem with my XML, first off I have one hud, DarnUI,Project navada, radar mod, Jip overheating and selective fire and Uhud to combine them all, all HUD mods.

I'm having two issues firstly is that my Hud ammo,health and action points are all VERY large which is uncommon,,this is my third time using Darn and never encountered this problem

on top of that I can't adjust them(with ahud) and Ihud doesn't have any effect on them only my crosshair.


Secound is that my vats screen seems to be blank I can only click on the head,legs and arms of people. If anyone can help me it would be appreciated here are a few screenshots






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It appears DarnUI was not installed completely/properly.


Try this:


1. Install DarnUI, and make sure you modify the INI file as instructed.

2. Install Project Nevada, then install MCM.

3. Install all the rest of the HUD mods you are using.

4. Finally, install uHUD.

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Thanks for the awesome help Jazz! it worked but guess what now brother my health and ammo and basically all the stuff what was big(compass,health ammo etc etc) are all missing I wanted immersion but damn lol,,on a serious note I have no clue what do do now..could FOOK be casuing a problem? I'm using the Fook and PN convergence mod.

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hit escape while in game and use the mod configuration menu --> under any of the hud enhance tabs you can set / re-position what you want to see in game


if you want a smaller font you need to add these lines into your Fallout Default.ini located in the root folder (always back it up first!) search the doc to locate what needs editing


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Thank you guys problem solved, I literally never thought it would for some reason the XML inside Project nevada never got installed correctly I went in my mod manager and pulled one out of the mod folder(that was in rar) a XML main hud,,,fixed it. This was off of pure luck and wouldn't recommended people trying it..but thanks Jazz and Alien.

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