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The simplest of fails... Lighting.


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I have been looking through the net for the past 3 days, and have found no reference to my search. So ashamedly, I have to ask here, despite it being the simplest possible thing in the world.


I have a Light Switch.


I have a Light.


How do I connect them so that when I activate the Light Switch, the light turns on and off?


In my attempts to find this one single task, I have come across terms such as Enable Parents, Scripts, and so on and so forth. But I have no idea whatsoever, at all, as to what these terms mean, how they are inter-connected, or how they can be placed together to create a working Light Switch.


If anyone is particularly skilled in scripting and such, please contact me for a few short references. I want to learn how to do this myself, I want to see my Mini Hideout 2.0 succeed.

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There is a wiki for this kind of thing: Light_switch


Please read and fully take in the post above you. I HAVE seen this, but I do not understand it. I don't know how to create a script, how to insert script into something, how to connect things together, or anything else for that matter. I do not understand. I need a few screenshots and/or a detailed explanation which describe the steps taken from the moment G.E.C.K. loads the mod I am modifying. What do I open? What do I click? What do I access? I don't understand Enable Parent, or Linked, or Activator, and even when I find the terms on the Wiki and read what they mean, I don't know what the hell the description is talking about. For example:




I dunno what that means, or what it's referring to. Or any other terminology that has to do with scripting. Please do not assume I have basic scripting knowledge, because I have no knowledge on the subject whatsoever.

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I dont really mess with gecking much but i can offer an advice.


To get an idea of how to make something you want into your mod, examine an example of something similar.


Sorry but i cant think of any light switches in the vanilla game tho off the top of my head.


I can remember some other kindsa switches tho, like the door switch you have to hit to get under the floor of the smith casey garage to get into vault 112.

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I dont really mess with gecking much but i can offer an advice.


To get an idea of how to make something you want into your mod, examine an example of something similar.


Sorry but i cant think of any light switches in the vanilla game tho off the top of my head.


I can remember some other kindsa switches tho, like the door switch you have to hit to get under the floor of the smith casey garage to get into vault 112.


Ok, again, I have looked at everything and every source. If you can think of a source, I have seen it already. I guarantee it. I don't see why a few simple screen shots or an easy step by step instruction with no more than a few short lines could take up anyone's time. I would never in my life have figured out how to use the G.E.C.K. if it wasn't for the tutorial on the G.E.C.K. Wiki. If I EVER learn basic and moderate scripting, like how to put a gun a person designed into the game, how to activate an event like the infamous Behemoth attacking the GNR Building scene, or how to do something like, I don't know, MAKE A LIGHT WITH A SWITCH, I will take the time to record a short tutorial and post it on the Wiki myself, so no one can be lost when exploring this.


Now please, stop suggesting sources... Just tell me how to make a Lightswitch...

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Well, let's review then.


I have a Light Switch.


I have a Light.


How do I connect them so that when I activate the Light Switch, the light turns on and off?


You probably didn't create a custom switch, so do that first. Then create the script.


1) Go to the World Object part of the window on the left.

2) Find the type of activator/switch you want to duplicate and rename it.

3) When it asks you whether to rename or to create a copy, select copy.

4) Double click on your new switch.

5) From the dialog here, you can create and select a new script something like this:


ScriptName LightSwitchScript

ref light

Begin OnActivate
if light == 0
	set light to GetLinkedRef

if light.GetDisabled


6) Drag and drop that switch to your Render Window.


Now you can do the link.


1) Go to the Render Window and double click on the Light Switch.

2) This will make the Reference dialog appear

3) Click on the Linked Ref tab

4) Select the Light from that menu.

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THAAAAANK you... I got it working absolutely fine now, and with the knowledge of renaming items to fit them correctly, I have learned how to activate, as an example in my mod, the Sit Down animation for a chair I stuck inside a Paulson Shelter, and connected it to occur when the Shelter is opened. And as an added feature, I was able to press the Use Key and leave the shelter after getting up, all in one motion with no additional button presses. As soon as I re-read the Timed Doors tutorial on the Wiki, I can have it Auto Shut as soon as the occupant leaves.


Once again, thank you for the simplest answer to the simplest fail.

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