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SkyUI broke my compass?


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So I recently downloaded the SkyUI, which is a really cool mod by the way, and made sure that SKSE was working properly with it. When I noticed that my compass and quest markers are gone. I'm not sure if it is solely because of SkyUI, but I came to the conclusion that it must be that somehow it broke my compass or something. Upon further investigation I found out that my compass is actually still there, but invisible. Because when I do a shout it still has that light blue recharge outline. The quest markers also might be invisible. I read on a forum post that downloading the Immersive HUD and toggling the compass would get it back. But that did not work. If there is any other way to fix this, it would be a great help to know.

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In your skyrim game settings, (escape key) you have basic game settings--audio, display, etc.

In the Display screen there are options for HUD transparency.


As far as the SkyUI offsets, I have no idea-- if your problem is that you have them set off screen, then you would just need to play with them to see what it takes to get them back on the screen. This seems more likely if you are using some non-native resolution for your display.

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I've downloaded the Less Intrusive HUD and enabled the alternate compass in hopes of it appearing. I can now see the alternate compass flicker in and out occasionally, but is still invisible most of the time. While this problem is not fixed this is a slight improvement.

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I understand that. But its flickering around every second, just while walking around. Also, while it is a last resort, a full re-installation of Skyrim is the only thing I can think of to fix this problem. And while I very much want to, if I re-install SkyUI or what ever might be causing this problem, I run the risk of this happening again.

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