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Missing meshes and textures to an unknown mod.


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Hello Nexus peoples, I present to you a problem of my own that I've been trying to figure out for a bit.
I've noticed a few red exclamation marks around the game which had interrupted my role playing immersion but these were few and far in between so I generally ignored them.....until I found the believed source, An entire building by the name of "The Marksman" full of red exclamation marks location left of the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside.

While the building itself is actually a gun shop occupied by two NPCs by the names of Eli Brauer (An NPC wearing the NCR desert ranger uniform that sells an amazing amount of weapons but all lacking meshes and textures) and Goat (A weapon mod vendor who I can hardly describe their appearance due to the major flood of red exclamation marks covering his entire body, but I believe he is wearing combat armor and an eye patch).
While there is a third stand in this building that is also occupied by exclamation marks it is littered in stacks armors and helmets on what I believe should have been tables and possibly another merchant NPC.

I'm extremely grateful for any help that anyone offers to finding these missing meshes and textures and will of course answer any questions needed!


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I know the mod you're talking about that is Sharpnel(or azhtecs weapon overhaul 4.5) weapon overhaul, the mod adds a ton of weapons. If you are looking for the textures and meshes google it their should be a few website(legit ones) that will have it for download I think the guy who made it took it off of Nexus YEARS ago if I'm not mistaken , If you need anymore help PM me mate.

Edited by rockygohard18
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Check your msg box mate had some advice and the links to the mods. The mods themselves are just one part one big weapon pack so you should be good, make sure to use a mod manager if you're not using one and no problem I know the feeling of not having any help..cheers

Edited by rockygohard18
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