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Settings for a pretty high end PC?


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I was told you could go into the .ini file to mess with graphics settings and such, and I've noticed quite a bit of lag/pop up when I play despite having a high end PC for a game like this. (I can run Fallout 3 flawlessly at high settings.) Could someone tell me how to do it? Or, know where I can find a guide to tweaking it?


=) Also, how do I lengthen the days in-game?



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I was told you could go into the .ini file to mess with graphics settings and such, and I've noticed quite a bit of lag/pop up when I play despite having a high end PC for a game like this. (I can run Fallout 3 flawlessly at high settings.) Could someone tell me how to do it? Or, know where I can find a guide to tweaking it?


=) Also, how do I lengthen the days in-game?




Here is the ultimate tweak guide for Oblivion.




To make days longer open up the console with the tilde key (~) and type set timescale to X. I set my time scale to 10 which is roughly 1 real hour = 8 game hours.

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