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Help please.


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I do not know if a post has been made of this before, i apologize if there is.



- I know how to mod, i made weapons, NPCs, a house, armor, items and barrels an such.

what I'm asking, is how to actually design something, like right now, I'm trying to learn how to design

a sword i have in mind. i can see in my head how to make it. but i need the tools an tutorials on how to go about doing it.

any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for your time.

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Modeling things in 3D space is something you usually have to aquire a skill for. I don't think there are many people who can just jump in and make something perfectly how they want it. You need to learn the layout and tools in the program and certain methods ans techniques that you will learn the more you use it. The rest is patience. Best of luck
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Ok to quickly get you started with making your sword try the following steps. (Note I am using a different program, but I'm sure there are similar features in Blender)

First get a picture or drawing of your sword you want and set it as the background in one of the views (front, side, top)


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