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Save files in Wrye Bash are orange after changes


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The check boxes next to my save files are orange after using wrye bash to import a face into a character I was already using. Does this mean that I will have problems later? When I changed it only the most recent save changed orange. But after installing streamline and a anti crash mod now all my saves are orange. I recently installed BOSS and it resorted the mods, but they are still orange in Wrye Bash. Am I in trouble here? Thanks
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Orange means there have been changes in load order since the last time you saved the game. That's all. If you add a new mod, this is a change in the load order. You can essentially just ignore this.
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  • 5 years later...

In the file Wrye Bash General Readme.html (found in the Mopy\Docs folder of your extracted Wrye Bash 305 - Standalone Executable download) look in section 5 item C (What Symbols & Colours Mean) for your mod list and in the file Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (also in the Mopy\Docs folder) look at section 6 item D (also titled What Symbols & Colours Mean) for your saves.

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