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"Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa" upload request


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The upload is neither legal nor illegal; it's one of those gray-area things that you might / might not get in trouble for. I think that the moderator opinions around here tend to not allow that stuff though. This same thing happened to my Oblivion disk; I tried everything. I even tried again after I updated my computer. Same "data6.cab CRC error," so I decided it must have been all the scratches. I only fixed it by buying a new copy of Oblivion (GotY Edition, since it only costs $20 now :) ). You're probably going to have to get a new disk, or find the file somewhere else. Perhaps you could contact BethSoft and get them to send you a new disk...?
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  • 9 months later...

I'm having the same problem as the OP (I know I'm bringing an old thread up). Where can I find this file now? I paid over 50 euros for this game and I want to play it..


It's unlikely that anyone would tell you even if they knew. Triforce1's opinion about legal grey areas with regard to this file is wrong -- it would definitely be a breach of Bethesda copyright for somebody to circulate this file to others, and this site's admins would ban a member who did it, or offered to do it.


So, sadly, you'll probably have to buy it again if you can't access the borked file, but the DVD is a lot cheaper now.

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