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The Scholar


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I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to create a mod that allows you to create books ingame.


Basically, have the character buy a blank journal and title it. Then allow you to write in it (you type with keyboard, the text appears in the same lettering as the ingame journals).


I played a mage a few times and a scholar more then once. And I'd love for him/her to be able to sit down in a quiet corner of a dungeon and write stuff down. Keep a journal of what is discovered in ruins, who was encountered and so on.

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Yeah, It's a good stopgap but I want something that lets me write and keep journals. something to jot down notes, perhaps a booklet to write down the alchemical recipes I discover.


It'd be odd for the journal of the Thane of Solitude (for example) to hold notes from the Listener of the Brotherhood no?


I do like this one though. It's quite annoying that it's dependent on other mods though.

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