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Multiple Problems


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Well, it seems my game stuck its foot in the mud.


Here are some of my problems:


1. My perception is stuck on 1(-). I've tried stims, sleeping, hurting my head again, nothing works. My perception is perpetually stuck at 1.


2. My console window won't open. I've tried both tilde (~) and F4 and neither work.


Could anyone lend me a hand or give me a solution to these problems?




P.S. I have tried googling for answers, but nothing relevant to my issues came up. (At least nothing with a solution in it)

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Well, it seems my game stuck its foot in the mud.


Here are some of my problems:


1. My perception is stuck on 1(-). I've tried stims, sleeping, hurting my head again, nothing works. My perception is perpetually stuck at 1.


2. My console window won't open. I've tried both tilde (~) and F4 and neither work.


Could anyone lend me a hand or give me a solution to these problems?




P.S. I have tried googling for answers, but nothing relevant to my issues came up. (At least nothing with a solution in it)



1. I've only heard of this problem once before, never heard of a solution for it, but has your character been to see a doctor about it?


2. there are four known reasons why you may not get a console


2A. there are IR (infrared) device drivers installed. those conflict, disable in "device manager"


2B. you are running Fallout3 using standard aspect ratio (not widescreen) fix by editing the line "iConsoleTextXPos" to have a value of 200 in your "Fallout.ini" the one in your user documents not the one in the install location.


2C. the console is disabled in the "FalloutPrefs.ini" (same place as the "Fallout.ini") look for the line "bAllowConsole" make sure it's value is 1


2D. the keyboard may not be American & have another key for console, F4 wouldn't be it.


Hope I was able to help.

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Well, it seems my game stuck its foot in the mud.


Here are some of my problems:


1. My perception is stuck on 1(-). I've tried stims, sleeping, hurting my head again, nothing works. My perception is perpetually stuck at 1.


2. My console window won't open. I've tried both tilde (~) and F4 and neither work.


Could anyone lend me a hand or give me a solution to these problems?




P.S. I have tried googling for answers, but nothing relevant to my issues came up. (At least nothing with a solution in it)



1. I've only heard of this problem once before, never heard of a solution for it, but has your character been to see a doctor about it?


2. there are four known reasons why you may not get a console


2A. there are IR (infrared) device drivers installed. those conflict, disable in "device manager"


2B. you are running Fallout3 using standard aspect ratio (not widescreen) fix by editing the line "iConsoleTextXPos" to have a value of 200 in your "Fallout.ini" the one in your user documents not the one in the install location.


2C. the console is disabled in the "FalloutPrefs.ini" (same place as the "Fallout.ini") look for the line "bAllowConsole" make sure it's value is 1


2D. the keyboard may not be American & have another key for console, F4 wouldn't be it.


Hope I was able to help.


I'll try what I can from your suggestions, thanks!

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