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Locked for Posting an Idea


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Look, what you suggested has been discussed a million times in the past. Its just not possible to make morrowind multiplayer, the engine won't support it. The only way you could possibly do it would involve almost a complete rewrite of the core game anyway, so you're probably better off just making your own from the beginning.

And yelling at the admins in two different threads is not how to get anything accomplished. If you have a problem with an admin decision, there's a PM function for a reason.

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I locked the thread, and gave reason for why it was locked. I did not call this user names. This user immediately responded by private messaging me with insults, then posting a thread with insults and complaints, followed by another thread (this one). That level of immaturity and disruption will not be tolerated.


Thread will remain open for others to post their thoughts on this issue.


-- D

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