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NPCs skipping short distances, invulnerable to bullets / guns malfunctioning


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Hello, I've run into two problems that are driving me crazy and I'm wondering if anyone's run into them as well.


The first is that NPCs will get stuck in a running motion in the same spot for a couple seconds, then clip forward a couple steps, then be stuck again and repeat the same process. All the while shooting/stabbing/biting me. All my shots fail to register on them, while they have no such problems. Can't do anything except load an earlier save and fight them again. It happens with maddening frequency.


The second bug is that my guns will fire, the bullet count will go down, the sound will be there.. but there's no flash, and no bullet coming out of my gun. Enemies will detect the sound and turn hostile, but the bullet has magically disappeared and I must switch to another gun because the gun is stuck firing blanks. Happens about as often as the first bug.


Between these two I have to keep loading past saves in almost every fight. So I'm thinking I either find a solution or I go back to playing vanilla, because this is just torture. Which is too bad, loving the mods.


I'm running fallout goty with FWE, Marty's Mutants, Fellout, DarnUI, unofficial fallout patch and weapon mods kit. Thanks for the input everyone.

Edited by ndesafio
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The first is that NPCs will get stuck in a running motion in the same spot for a couple seconds, then clip forward a couple steps, then be stuck again and repeat the same process. All the while shooting/stabbing/biting me. All my shots fail to register on them, while they have no such problems. Can't do anything except load an earlier save and fight them again. It happens with maddening frequency.

Graphics related.


The second bug is that my guns will fire, the bullet count will go down, the sound will be there.. but there's no flash, and no bullet coming out of my gun. Enemies will detect the sound and turn hostile, but the bullet has magically disappeared and I must switch to another gun because the gun is stuck firing blanks. Happens about as often as the first bug.

Graphics related. #2


reset your ini files to default ,reset the screen display drivers to 1080 x 768 desktop, reset through the games launcher to the same. close the launcher and reboot. Verify the settings have set hard in both the OS and the launcher.


now IF you use Fomm, open it up and check it's graphics settings too. don't touch a thing if it not set. just close and tell me so, IF it does reflect the systems settings you just made close any way. run the game directly from it's executable ,No fose, no tweaks ,NO patches.


main game menu. do not start a game when here, click the settings for the screen 'IN Game screen" and verify it is set to large. if so? exit and tell me.


I'll wait.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same bug and noticed that it only happens when quickloading using CASM. When loading from the menu or disabling CASM and quickloading normally this does not happen. It seems that there are other people with the same experience in the comment section at the CASM mod. To gain the functionality of save game manager I am going to try out Extended Save Manager next.

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