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Anyone have this game? What do you think of it? I personally think it is one of the best old games alongside the original half-life game and Sin. Great gameplay for 1998, graphics, AI, the works. And you have 16 player bot matches too. What's not to like? :thumbsup:


Btw, does anyone know how good the online multiplayer still works? :thanks:

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I haven't played Unreal since...oh about March. Still love to go through it once in awhile. Have the sound track on CD. Makes for great driving music.

Half Life (they're waiting for you Gordon...in the testing chamber) played about last Jan.

Sometimes the older games are the most fun. (Still play Thief 2 and the Fan Missions)

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Uh uh xD I bought it a few years ago... Never got to the end of it though :O Might try that some day... I did like the game, but I played UT a LOT more ^^;;


I still remember that huge enemy we'd face in the first levels... Scared the crap out of me :S


And the good ol' Enforcer! :'D

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got it in the box set "Toetally Unreal" with Unreal tory goty edit (i sitll rember my first !!!MONSTER KILL!!!)

Aellyth ibeleave your reffering to brutes(the ones with hand held rocket launchers in both hands) and they are nothing compared to a titan(3 times the size and throughs bolders at you withch kill you intastly even with the sheld belt)

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  gormonk said:
got it in the box set "Toetally Unreal" with Unreal tory goty edit (i sitll rember my first !!!MONSTER KILL!!!)

Aellyth ibeleave your reffering to brutes(the ones with hand held rocket launchers in both hands) and they are nothing compared to a titan(3 times the size and throughs bolders at you withch kill you intastly even with the sheld belt)


Probably. First time you fight at titan is in that one castle level on level 8 or so. Though that battle's pretty tough at there's little protection to be had from hiding (not many places to hide in that fight)


  Aellyth said:
And the good ol' Enforcer! :'D


Enforcer? I don't remember an enemy in Unreal called that... :blink:


You don't happen to mean Quake II?

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Bought the Unreal Anthology, which comes with every game minus UT3. We did a module at College to do with level design using Unreal Tournament, and I've made many maps for UT2004.


Personally, I prefer Unreal Gold to all the others. But there are so many multi-player FPS games out now that it's outdated, the same as UT & UT2004. We tried to do a LAN game when our lecturer didn't turn up, but we were too used to Halo3 and Gears of War and couldn't play it.


Brilliant game though. Wish they would make a new Unreal rather than another Tournament.

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  lionhaert said:
Brilliant game though. Wish they would make a new Unreal rather than another Tournament.


Completely agree with you there. They have an Unreal 3 Engine, but no Unreal 3 game. What the heck? :blink:


And the second game (which was only average in standards compared to the first game) certainly finished with a sort of cliffhanger.

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Unreal was quite a good game, especially on the tehnical side. The volumetric fog appearing there for the 1st time in videogames ever was quite jawdropping at the time.


But right in the same period a certain Half-Life got out on the shelves, which, perhaps less technically innovative, was a total masterpiece on every side.


Unreal was honestly quite repetitive in terms of gameplay, except some parts.

I played both, but kept playing Half-Life muuuuch longer than Unreal.


Sin, out in the same period, was quite a nice game as well, maybe a bit bugged, but it was also shadowed by Half-Life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Aellyth said:
  jaosals42 said:
  Aellyth said:
And the good ol' Enforcer! :'D


Enforcer? I don't remember an enemy in Unreal called that... :blink:


You don't happen to mean Quake II?


I meant the gun :biggrin:

its not called a Enforcer is called the auto-clip :whistling:

if any one wants a compleate list oy all the wepons of unreal gold pm me

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