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A Couple Immersion/Faction Ideas


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- Blood Lost

It would be cool to add a system so when you either get hit with a arrow or get hit really hard, you begin to bleed and if you don't figure out how to clean the wound you begin to get dizzy and die from blood loss. In order to Clean the wound you could craft a rag like the ones you see on the wounded soldiers at the Imperial/Stormcloak Camps.


- Worn Out Weapons

Makes it so when after a weapon like a sword or axe is overly used it breaks and requires you to go to and craft a new one. Before breaking you get a little notification message telling you your weapon is worn out. But if the player were to reinforce the weapon making it last longer


- No More Getting Called Citizen

I hated the fact that when either completing the Civil war or complete a faction like Companions or even becoming thane and guards and Soldiers pass by you and say Hello Citizen. Why Not call me Legate or Harbinger or salute/bow when i pass by. It would be incredible if someone could fix this.





- East Trading Company

Allows the player to join this faction and rank up and later on owning this faction. This includes a new HQ in Raven Rock and includes a new Player home ship.


- Penitus Oculatus

Allows the player to join the newly protectors of the emperor. Player would perhaps would have to complete the whole Civil War with the Imperials and have to travel to the Penitus Hq and get recruited and like the dark brother hood missions the Penitus missions are similar but it's directed towards the DB and destroy the night mother body forever.





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Some time ago I made my first mod (for TESIV: Oblivion) concerning regeneration and bleeding of player and actors.

Basically it made you aware of your wounds, if you helped your body a bit (healing, potions, food, etc.), your body could then heal itself. But if you were seriously wounded and didn`t care, you would bleed to death. I used a combination of willpower + endurance + current percentage of health to determine if you would bleed or regenerate.

Here is a link for inspiration Alive Body By Kolcinx - discontinued (nexus).

Maybe something similar is what you are looking for.

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