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Convenient Horses v5 followers don't recall


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I'm facing some crashes since few days. Finally after deactivating all mods, I succeded in getting a stable game.


the remaining issue is with Convenient Horses, my followers don't recall their horses.


I try to stop & start the quest, make clean save, set CHBuyHornCompleted & CHLearnWhistleCompleted to 1... no effect.


is their any other command that may force the follower recall ????

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Are you using the MCM to set up the Mod? You can do everything you need to with that--there is a whole screen in MCM to set up follower behavior.

You also may want to try moving Convenient horses below any of your follower mods, and make sure that they are compatible with Convenient horses.

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yes of course, I configured it.

the point is it worked perfectly some weeks ago. now I cleaned up everything, it doesn't anymore.


you're right maybe it's a mater of loading order, i'll investigate this way...

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I try several load sequences, but changing loading order seems having no effect.


maybe it's because my followers don't "have" horses anymore.


is there some commands to force "creation" & i don't know some king of "linking" horse to a dedicated follower ???

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