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Alien vs Predator


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Fallout 3 is an awesome universe...it truly is...


Now I want to take it to the next level.


I haven't worked out how this would tie in but honestly that can come at a later time.


I see now they are bringing the genre of AVP to Earth with the two movies...this is totally unrelated to that...


The storyline I wanted to have was a Predator abandoned on this planet when his ship was destroyed by the nukes that fell during the war in 2077...He being Yautja (the true name of the alien race otherwise known as Predators) is immune to radiation, and thus is personally, biologically unaffected. He retains all his weapons as that of an accomplished warrior...and he basically becomes a recruitable character who will help you hunt down a nest of xenomorphs (otherwise known as 'Aliens'). Cyryk is his name, and his race can live for well over 1000 years if they aren't killed which routinely does happen since his race are known to be hunters and warriors out for the kill be it them or their prey. Kind of like Wolf in AVP2 Requiem, he's dedicated himself to eradicating every last xenomorph from the earth so the human race does not have to suffer their parasitic existence amidst their entire world being destroyed.


Yeah, it does kinda throw a wrench into the continuity of the Sigourney Weaver movies but I really don't care to stick to canonical stuff here. Cyryk will also be different from most canonical predators in that he's going to have what set apart each film and game adaptation of a Predator all rolled into one if possible. I either want for the Lone Wanderer to befriend him and hunt with him or to become him somehow...have yet to work out that detail...


So what does everyone think? AVP2 on PC had some pretty good models or predators and aliens that if we can some how get our hands on and just brush up a bit we could have this rolling fairly easy I would assume...


Let it be noted that I know %&$! about coding, programming, modding, or the 'GECK' program all together...I don't plan on changing that any time soon as I do not have time to just sit down and learn something new...if you can't handle that then this discussion is not for you and I kindly ask you to go play with something lethal and quit wasting my time.


Anyone interested? I'll contribute as much as I can. I got a lot more storyline but anymore than that and someone will just copy and paste and have the whole thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Feral Ghoul and/or Deathclaw Animations would probably be best suited for the Aliens if you port them over.


Human and Supermutant animations would work for the Preds

nah, that's already out of the question. It didn't work for Oblivion, It doesn't for Fallout. I'm making custom skeletons and animations. I only need to make stuff once and export it to different games.

It's still an awful amount of work for an amateur, but it's doable.


Can't say anything about the preds, though. But I would think that vanilla NPC animations would suffice. But it's not my decision anyway... You could try to contact Divine Avenger. Maybe he can say something about it.

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