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MageStatue Mod ?


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Looking for a modified version of the MageStatue item that does not have the base/platform that he stands on. No snow on it would be cool too, but beggars can't be choosers :)


I may try this myself eventually, but in case anyone has already done it or can do it really quick, that would be awesome.



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I would also like to see this - it would look great as decor in some of my houses :smile:


EDIT: I found a way to remove the snow, at least. Load up the CK and the mod you want. Then search for 'MageStatue' and change the ID to something different (I went with MageStatueNoSnow). Double click your new static, and look for "Directional Material". Then change "SnowMaterialWinterhold" to "None" and click OK. Now it has no snow! Still wish someone could remove the base, but it's something!

Edited by Jokerine
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