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Mod suggestions?


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I just got Oblivion and I'm wondering what peoples ideas on what is the best combination of mods to enhance the game.


I'm talking about mods that retexture the player, NPCs, Environment, Cities, etc etc.


Also mods that increase immersion, realism, and balance.


And last but not least mods that add weapons, armor, spells and such (They must be balanced, I don't want "win button" weapons and spells.)


Thank you in advance!

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I've looked at a lot of them and I see a lot that I like.


I guess the thing I'm really looking for is what people think the best mix is that really encompasses everything and goes well together.


Also a note, I'm not looking for nude mods. Are there good body retextures and such that are not nude?

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ya you can download Beautiful people and I believe you have he choice of nude or clothed. Well the combination is really up to you, I mean I could give you my opinion but in the end of the day its really what you want that actually matters. Here is what I think:


1. Qarls texture pack 3

2. Beautiful people

3. Deadly Reflexes 5

4. Real Swords- Bosmer, Orc, and Khajiit

5. Symphony of Violence

6. Multitude of Magecraft or the like

7. Audia Arcanum Sounds

8. Ultimate Music Pack

9. Book Jackets

10. Any 'Better Pricing' Mod

11. Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing -


^Those^ to me would be concidered 'must haves'


other good ones include, but are NOT limited to:


1. Traveling Merchants

2. BTmod

3. Color Map

4. Zombie Diversity

5. Diverse Legion Armor

6. Kvatch Rebuilt

7. Beaming Sun glare

8. Sexy Armor Replacer - Better looking armor for females -


HOPE THIS LIST HELPS YOU. And just so you know, I use all of these together :)


p.s. make sure you get OBSE

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Thank you guys for the quick replies!


Now i have a few questions.


1. Is TNR a mod that enhances the look of the player character too or just npcs? Same question for beautiful people.


2. How hard is it to come up with a load order for a large number of mods?


3. I know I had a third question butbi can't remember now. I'll add it if I remember lol

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For a retexed Character I would suggest you take a look at this <---LINK. Its Eye candy but with underwear... no nude chicks.


This <--LINK is Rens and Soyas beauty packs merged to create a beauty, mystic elf pack. A really good combo when used with the ^above^ mod.


1. Is TNR a mod that enhances the look of the player character too or just npcs? Same question for beautiful people.


2. How hard is it to come up with a load order for a large number of mods?


3. I know I had a third question butbi can't remember now. I'll add it if I remember lol


1. Just NPCs but its really good.


2. Not hard. Look at this <--LINK. It is a basic load order guidline.


3. I believe i answered that one first lol


Hope I helped! :)

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