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Follower Request? (Contains partial nudity ref)


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Ello Peoples :smile:


If anyone can, Could it be possible for someone to make a female Nord Follower, whos appearence is based on the attached picture? Id like her to specialize in Destruction, Archery, 1-h weapons and heavy armor :smile:


She can have only 1 tail if it is easier to model, or attach. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14205/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13995/?<- Those mods has Equitable tails/ears if it helps makes it easier to make :3


Id make her myself, except I have no knowledge of how to make my own followers, or to use creation kit. Been having...problems with it for a while now, tis why I am making this request :smile:


The body fur could be a tattoo I guess. If that makes things easier. The Trollfaces cover up the naughty bits, but its all blue fur there to. Saves on Panties and bras :tongue:


To make the follower look better (Her name is Summers. Yes, I designed her :tongue:), The follower could use the Apachii skyHair, or whatever its called, and CBBE for a better body :smile:


Her hair is brown and her eyes are green :smile:


Perhaps placing her in the Bannered Mare, or some other place in Whiterun would be good :smile:




Can provide a higher res picture of reference if needed


Marriable. Perhaps the same voice as Aela? Or a different young girl with Dialogue for Marriage? Someone with a light pitch, not like the same voice that Irelith uses. Way too 'deep' and low for Summers >///<


Oh yush, she should be compatible with AFT and UFO, and other Follower mods :tongue: Id like other people to use her to, but I use AFT for all my followers :tongue:


For Decency's sake, You could put her in some leather armour (No helmet) with a iron sword, and a hunters bow :tongue:

Edited by Brandon007
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Im sure people have looked at this by now :P


There is also the possibility of her appear in Sjeld Bald Castle ;-) The owner of that mods wants to put her in the castle somewhere, but cant until shes actually made >-<

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Yes...what? :smile:


Are you going to try and make her? I would be soo indebt to you if you do it :3


Nah bro, modding is not my speciality . I tried to give this request a little bump so someone else might see it and consider to make this happen .

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Yes...what? :smile:


Are you going to try and make her? I would be soo indebt to you if you do it :3


Nah bro, modding is not my speciality . I tried to give this request a little bump so someone else might see it and consider to make this happen .


Oh thankies :smile: I hope someone does volunteer to make her soon >-<

Edited by Brandon007
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