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How should I upgrade my computer?


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Its a few years old but I'm not gonna buy a new one. I'd love to get the graphic quality shown in the pictures of the mods. I know very little about computers. Here is what I have:


Intel® Core i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz

8.00 GB

64-bit Operating System

8192MB RAM

GeForce GTX 465

Integrated RAMDC

1920 X 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)


Would upgrading the graphics card and/or RAM make a difference? Is it worth it? Any suggestions on what I should upgrade with? The computer works fine for what I use it for except Skyrim so I'm not gonna buy a new one.


Thank you.

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What motherboard?


Getting the fastest CPU it can handle ( a 4 core with hyperthreading) with a Newer GPU will be best bang for your Buck.


How strong is your Power supply?


The 8 GB of RAM should be sufficient.


Skyrim loves a CPU with horsepower, Tons of both RAM and VRAM.

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I don't know what kind of motherboard I have. Is there a way to tell without opening up my computer and looking cause its a tight spot. What is a GPU? What CPU do you recommend? Or do you need the Motherboard info for that? What is VRAM?

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Have you tried asking on Toms Hardware or other sites which deal primarily with pc tech and the like?

It is nice to get some help from fellow Skyrim'ers but your best bet would be to ask those who deal with not only new parts but the not so new too :D

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Thank you. My motherboard: H55M-P31 (MS-7636). I cannot tell you what my PS wattage is.


I have a friend with an I5 750 cpu, 8 gb memory, ASUS MB, 750w PSU and a Radeon 7870 2 gb graphics card and his Skyrim is more stable than mine. Plus with his Antec 900 case, he has me on looks and airflow.


So if I picked up the Radeon graphics card I'd be able to view the game the way it was meant to be?

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Depends if your PSU can handle it. If you have an off-the-shelf computer, your PSU is probably 400 watts or less. That is not powerful to run a R9 270 (replacement for the 7870). You would need to upgrade your power supply to at least 550 watts.

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Let me be the first to warn you that you are headed down a path that is more addictive than heroin so you might as well get your hands dirty now, there should be a DATA plate/sticker on your power supply, you might have to remove the PSU (power supply) from the case to see it.

Google your motherboard to see if it will accept a faster CPU or maybe let you over clock yours which will require a better CPU cooler.

I would suggest more CPU speed via better CPU or OCing, new graphics card with at least 2gb of video memory (Vram) and a small SSD just for Skyrim (Solid State Disk) 60 or so GB would suffice.

As has already been mentioned you should seek help on a dedicated hardware forum like Tom's or Overclock.net or Overclock.com or ExtremeOC.com all are good places to start.

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I have a Gateway 2.8 mhz i5 2300 or so with 6 GB of system RAM and a 1.5 TB hard drive.

It had sucky integrated graphics that wouldnt even get 30 fps on low settings. I bought a MSi GTX 760 OC gaming edition 2GB version and it hummed :D Though I reinstalled most of my mods back and I am getting stuttering near water alot (I am not currently using an ENB or my floral overhaul). The VRAM fills up in the first minute and the system RAM was building up over 3.1 and causing crashes and crap so I installed ENBoost by itself and it's keeping my system RAM to around 700MB. Still has some stuttering and massive swings of fps from 5-55 around waterfalls/player home mods and lots of grass/trees, but overall it's smooth and I have ALOT less CTD's and frozen screens and infinite loading screen. But it has taken ALOT of learning to get all this s#*! together.

Plus you will need a bigger power supply like they said. I threw in a Corsair CX600 (600 watt) power supply and all works.

My case it pretty cramped, so I am glad I got the gaming edition with 2 fans because my card has been getting upwards of 83 degrees celsius. Hope that all helps :D

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