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New Dungeon/Quest Series: The Graven Deep


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Just wanted to plug my mod "The Graven Deep" (no idea if plugging my mod is considered inappropriate, so sorry ahead of time if it is). It currently contains 1 small(er) and 1 moderate dungeon (they are linked as a continuous dungeon) and I plan to do at least 1 more to finish it off, unless I actually get feedback that people are liking it and want more. As I say on the page for the mod, I'm really looking for feedback, in the form of critiques, suggestions, and any problems people encounter and would certainly consider additional quests and areas as suggestions are made.

I have over 200 hours dev time in all with 2 out of 3 parts (so far) available in-game now.

A big impetus behind even getting into the modding (quest/dungeon creating) is the writing aspect. I really encourage anyone who downloads this mod to read any of the custom books/journals/notes and quest info as it is all custom, written entirely by yours truly. I've gotten a lot of complements, not that that's what i'm going for per se, and i really enjoy the writing part.

That said, check out "The Graven Deep" and leave comments. Thanks and enjoy :)

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Quick update: apparently I put my dungeon entrance right smack in the same location as another, rather popular mod's location. I acquiesced to a request that it be moved, and you'll now find it on the same side of the river, a bit closer to Riverwood.

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this is my first mod. i had no idea other people were using that area. i know now that the reason this is happening is because the tutorial for exterior placement of the entrance has you use a spot near riverwood. like others have done apparantly, i simply recycled my entrance. if you have a suggestion as to where to place the mod, i'd be happy to consider it, but i just moved it today at someone else's request that it not be placed on top of some other mod's location, but i certainly don't want to alienate anyone, such as yourself. it wasn't my intention to upset you. like i said, this was my first mod and i had no way of knowing there'd be others in that area :/

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this is my first mod. i had no idea other people were using that area. i know now that the reason this is happening is because the tutorial for exterior placement of the entrance has you use a spot near riverwood. like others have done apparantly, i simply recycled my entrance. if you have a suggestion as to where to place the mod, i'd be happy to consider it, but i just moved it today at someone else's request that it not be placed on top of some other mod's location, but i certainly don't want to alienate anyone, such as yourself. it wasn't my intention to upset you. like i said, this was my first mod and i had no way of knowing there'd be others in that area :/


This is one of the most traffic heavy areas for mods. Dozens of dungeons and landscape changing mods touching Riverwood. Im using Ogmunds Tomb for example and its very near your dungeon.


I understand what modders think. "Ill put my lovely dungeon near place where every player walks regularly, so he could see it every time". But in truth since it conflicts with many other mods, few will even consider installing it. If you want my advice, place at somewhere in Riften, close to one of borders gates (check Unique Border Gates mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52296/?). And read info under that mod which other mods conflict with it.

Edited by mindw0rk2
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Part 3 is about 60% done. I don't anticipate finishing this weekend, but there is plenty to do if anyone wants to download the mod as-is. Other than the main quest, each main dungeon portion is completely separate.


Others may have thought that, but I certainly didn't. I don't have any other dungeon mods installed so from my perspective, this is the only dungeon in the area. I wasn't thinking along the lines of getting noticed in-game, because to me it wouldn't make sense to install a dungeon mod without the specific intent to run it. In other words, if I install a mod, I would immediately open the game, find it, and run it. The location would make no difference; I would simply go to wherever it's located. So this idea of "high traffic" just doesn't make sense to me.


I will, however, take your advice and relocate it as soon as my next part comes out, which is fairly soon I hope. Unfortunately, Riften doesn't make sense due to the story content in this mod, but I'll try to think of an area that at least "feels" out of the way. Then again, as I said, I'll simply have no way of knowing whether it causes a conflict. I'll just have to cross my fingers I guess :/

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