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Any reason why theres so many mods that are massly perverted. Even tho its a m rated game I still find this very disturbing... Jeez i doubt the filter aint gunna do much. Its kind of disrespecting Women. This might have gone through on another post but i dont have the time to read em i g2g soon.
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Mmm Report the guy for pointing out something serious. Yes lets rip on him some more


Don't take this the wrong way but to me it's odd when someone complains about mature mods for a game that's already rated M, especially when the mods are adding in stuff that should have been there already.

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Moderator Note:


Been a member for 4 days and pass judgment on the entire modding community?


Basically you have chosen to view adult content, it is disabled by default and now you want to complain and chastise the mod makers for making something that you find offensive and perverted. Kind of a hypocritical attitude don't you think.


We have an adult filter, I suggest you set it so your young mind will not be corrupted by seeing something that may offend you.


Yes I agree there is much prevision, to much killing, blood guts and gore. Only one lacking in social responsibility would not find something perverted in the game itself. God forbid someone see a nipple or other part of the miracle of the human form.


This started poorly and has gone down hill from there. I am going to close it as it will just end up with someone getting banned if allowed to continue.



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