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how to Better Graphics

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I was wonderng and then googling without succes :sad:


Is there a mod or something to enable HDR but also have anti-aliasing with perhaps Anisotropic filtering? ( I'm not a pc-wizard )

maybe there is a programm that enables something simulair that makes my pc do better graphics?


Thanks in advance =D

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I use SMAA Injector - Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing to handle anti-aliasing, the default settings of the nVidia control panel Oblivion profile (which sets anistropic to 8x and AA to Application Controlled and then AA is off in the Oblivion video options). and HDR set in the Oblivion video options.

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SMAA Injector - Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing


yeah I didnt google that :P , thanks for your reply I will check that out and work with the nvidia control stuff,


also oblivion doesn't apear in my GeForce Experience so I wont be able to use that.

Can that cause any problems ?

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I was busy with something else sorry for the ranting, I


also was working on the nvidia control pannel and altered some settings on 2 exes: obse loader and the normal oblivion exe.

it instant crashes on my new settings so I reset the settings, it doesnt work on obse loader so I changed it back manual and now obse doesn't work, I reinstalled obse but it is still CTD on launching

(I didnt use that mod yet, need to fix this first)


unusual problem i know, any advice??

I will keep googling in the mean time


EDIT: the normal oblivion.exe also doesnt work and reset the nvidia settings , still CTD's

Edited by DutchGreenWizard
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Not sure if I'd be of much help ... I'm still using the older version nVidia control Panel (Control Panel version 3.6.750.0 and driver version 270.61). I tend towards if it's working I don't need to fix it whenever nVidia or Microsoft suggest updating to newer. Oblivion is the closest I have of what could be called "modern" games (any more recent that I have don't hold much interest for me). That driver version I use is light years newer than Oblivion, works, so I leave well enough alone.


What I was talking about is under Manage 3D Settings and then the Program Settings tab. I'm guessing that you were in something else, or the nVidia control panel you use is different than what I have (for example obse_loader.exe doesn't show in my "Select a program to customize" list ... though I suppose I could browse for it). Don't think obse_loader.exe would make a good candidate for tweaking with the nVidia panel anyway ... it just injects it's code into the vanilla Oblivion.exe and then starts the game.


For troubleshooting I'd uninstall OBSE completely and re-install it from a fresh download (unless you're like me and have a copy of every download, extracted in it's own folder on my Data drive ... I'm a packrat). Your crash could be because of your borked obse_loader.exe, and crashing because a mod in your load order needs OBSE.



If that doesn't work use bben46's wiki article Revert to vanilla data to be on a vanilla install while getting the game working. I use Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM to manager profiles for multiple characters and for beta testing/troubleshooting. It makes it simple to create a copy of your broken install and then you can work away on it without fear of losing anything. If you follow the advice in Revert to vanilla data you will have the "olddata" folder as a backup (and you could back that up on a USB stick or something). Note the different instructions for non-Shivering Isles vs Shivering Isles ... use the one appropriate for your situation.

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I reinstalled OBSE but the problem is still there

so I'm going to reinstall grapics and let it reset it maybe this will help


EDIT: reinstalling grapics (clean install) and disabling better cities made it work again...

Edited by DutchGreenWizard
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If you need to. you can rename your Oblivion.ini (found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion NOT Oblivion_default.ini found in your game's Oblivion folder) to Oblivionini.old (you'll get a Windows squawk about renaming the extension ... it's OK to do). When you start the game it will generate a new Oblivion.ini after detecting your hardware. If you have any tweaks in your original Oblivion.ini you want to preserve just transfer from your renamed Oblivionini.old.

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