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Someone fill me in on the Fallout 3 holes


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Yeah, and also, it'd be easy to retexture the vanilla dog to a sandy colour so you have dingoes running around the place. :P


Dingoes? I'd be more interested in giant, mutated kangaroos to be honest. And we thought Yao Gui's were scary...


Nukes would be air-burst in an attack (other than bunker-busting attacks) in order to do the maximum damage, but this results in far less post-explosion fallout than ground-burst attacks would. Extensive fire and blast damage would ensue but there would be few craters, and vegetation would recover quite quickly. The desertification of land everywhere in Fallout is really a fantasy.


If I recall correctly, when Black Isle was creating the setting for Fallout they worked primarily with the whole 'nuclear winter' theory, where the dust clouds and background radiation killed pretty much all the vegetation (and most everything else with it). It would take a loooooong time to recover from that.


The fact that the entire theory of nuclear winter has been debunked was conveniently ignored. :blink:


That said, they've never actually come right out and said anything concrete about anywhere not the US and China - so I suppose the truth is whatever someone decides to mod it as.

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They may not have caused a nuclear winter but I can imagine God knows how many nukes going off in two hours affecting the climate somehow. Though yeah, 200 years is stretching it.
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Some plant seeds can remain dormant in soil for decades, and a great many can survive a couple of years. Even given the nuclear winter hypothesis as true, many plants would survive and grow. Of course the overall balance of vegetation species would be considerably changed in certain areas for a long time.


Extensive fires would actually have the effect of giving a major boost to soil fertility, with all that released potash and other nutrients, not to mention the increased CO2, all of which would be good for surviving plant life.


It's interesting to speculate..


How are things around the Mount St Helens destruction zone these days? That was a total wipe-out.

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Mount St Helens pictures are all over the Internet.

It looks like that kind of devastation doesn't hinder vegetation for long.

Yeah I should have checked the web (and will do), but I wondered if anyone on here had actually been there in recent times ;)

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Mount St Helens pictures are all over the Internet.

It looks like that kind of devastation doesn't hinder vegetation for long.

Yeah I should have checked the web (and will do), but I wondered if anyone on here had actually been there in recent times ;)


On that day when I walked out on the front porch to get the newspaper I was barefoot and thought the grainy stuff on my front porch was from someone doing some sandblasting. I was over 900 miles north east of the site at the time. I slid my fingers through the ash on the patio railing and looked at the front pages headline picture with the ash shooting up from the volcano into a cloud. As I looked up from the page I could see the entire city block, houses, trees, bushes, and everything stationary was covered in volcanic ash in various depths.



Are you looking to take a road trip? Looking for anyone to accompany you?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, when you talk about Fallout's world, you have to consider not just the nuclear winter theory they used, but also FEV. We know that ambient FEV exposure was a problem even before the Great War, as well as other biological plagues released by the Chinese. The combination of all those factors could produce a barren global wasteland that needs hundreds of years to recover, even if no individual problem could do so on its own.
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The thing is, where are the factories and research labs making all the hi-tech stuff that features in the game-world, the Vertibirds, laser rifles, tesla suits and all the rest of the paraphernalia that the Enclave & Brotherhood use?


Where is all the ammo being made? It's all over the place, even ghouls can get it. Where are the raw materials for everything being mined, and who's mining & processing them?


There really has to be some structured, civilised activity going on somewhere, however closeted and secret, or the whole world would be back in the bronze age or worse.



Maybe it's all being imported from China :thumbsup:

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Most of the brotherhood's gear is essentially old Pre-War equipment used by the US military before 2077. Since they're descendants of a military unit, most probably had access to them easily.

As for the Enclave, their gear was mostly developed I'm guess in the Poseidon Oil Rig off the West Coast. Raven Rock looks like a reasonable research post as well. The Tesla Armor concept was originally from the Shi of San Francisco, the Enclave probably copied it because of its laser/plasma resistant qualities.


As for ammo, the explanation for that in FO1 was the Gun Runners, a group of people who manufactured weapons and ammo, they'll do business to anyone who has the money. I figure there's people in the capital wasteland similar to that thing is they're not included in the game.


And according to the late Enclave pres. Richardson, the reds were nuked back to the stone age along with the US.


For anything else, I blame Bethesda :P

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  • 2 months later...
I would have thought that the whole world has become desolate because the radiation leaked into the water supplies (evidence in point lookout and the main story line.) Even if some parts of the world had survived nuclear bombings, the acid rain, and radiated water, a country cut off from all other civilisations wouldn't survive with such a huge population. (Even a very small country, like The republic of Burundi, has 8 million people in it.) Imagine taking care of 8 million people from radiation (especially in a landlocked country!)
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