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My Dad The Spy


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Hope you like it. By the way if you have any idea's 4 another title please let me know. This is just the 1st scene.


My Dad The Spy

By Gen.Donuts


(The scene opens with John’s dad in a car talking to someone on his GPS system.)


Dad: So who’s the target?


V: His name is Eduardo Velasquez. He’s a weapons specialist, he trades weapons to terrorists, spent twenty-five years in Guantanamo Bay, he’s now a double agent, I mean you name it this dudes got it.


Dad: Where is he located now?


V: Oh you are gonna love this. He’s in Nashville.


Dad: Nashville… as in Tennessee?


V: Yup.


Dad: What county?


V: Don’t know his exact location yet, but we’ll get it to you. For right now though the boss… (The cell phone rings)


Dad: Hang on V I need to take this. (He picks up the phone and answers it.) Hello. Is that today? CRAP! I’m on my way. Tell him not to blow out the candles till I get there okay. I will. Bye.


V: Anyway the boss wants you to…


Dad: Look I can’t do it right now V it’s my sons 16th birthday.


V: But… (Dad switches off the GPS. He continues to drive)


Scene 2: His son


:nana: :thanks:

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Ideas for titles? I don't know...Deception? The Trade? Family Business? I agree with Dez...nice start. This reads like a script for a show, or movie. If that's your goal, can I suggest the extras? You know like;


Fade in: The camera moves from the sun, (in the sky) to the father. The son, who stands behind his father, shrugs as he says...etc... etc...


(but I'm not sure if this is a script)


Otherwise, give me more you death-dealer!

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This is scene 2. Hope you enjoy.


Scene 2: His son


(The scene opens with John’s Dad pulling into the drive way. He gets out of the car and runs in through the front door. As he runs in with the present in his left hand John blows out the candles.)


Everyone except for Dad: Happy Birthday!

Dad: (Dad walks up to John) Happy Birthday son. (He hands him the present)

John: Thanks. (He grabs the present politely)

Dad: Well… Aren’t you going to open it?

John: I would, but Mom says I need to wait until everyone’s gone. You know to be polite.

Dad: Oh that’s ridiculous just open it.

John: (He opens the present) All right! It’s the new Halo game!

Dad: Well I heard you talking about it and how much you wanted it.

John: You do know Mom will never let me play it right?

Dad: Why?

John: Because it’s rated M and she thinks it teaches me (He does the quotation symbols with his hand as he says it) “Bad Things”

Dad: Well if she won’t let you play it just have her call me and I’ll give her the speech of how games are good for your health. Trust me she’ll let you play it.

John: Thanks.

Dad: Your welcome son. Now how about a picture?

John: Sure. Why not.

(His Dad pulls out the camera and takes a picture of them. As he puts down the camera John’s Mom is standing right behind it making an angry face.)

Dad: Hey, how are you?

Mom: So, you couldn’t make it in time for your own son’s 16th birthday huh?

Dad: Sorry I was…

Mom: Let me guess you were busy.

John: Mom it’s okay, at least he’s here right?

Dad: Yes I was.

Mom: I’m sick of hearing that poo. I mean it’s what I’ve been hearing my whole life.

Dad: Well I’m sorry that I had a job that paid well and put food on the table for you and John.

Mom: Yeah but didn’t it ever occur to you that maybe I didn’t care about that.

Dad: Oh yeah right! That’s the whole reason you married me any way! I mean that would explain why you left me for him (He points to her new husband.)

Mom: I think you should go.

John: Come on Mom that’s not fair. He just got here.

Dad: Its okay I have to go any way John. If you ever want to come over and play that game some day you know where to find me.

John: Okay

(His Dad turns around, walks out of the door, and leaves. After he leaves his Mom snatches the game puts it in his face and says)

Mom: We’ve talked about this remember? (She walks off with it and slams it on the table. John goes into his room. The camera shifts to the Dad’s car.)

Scene 3: Kidnapped

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