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mod instability


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My mod has some instability issues, which seem to be connected to loading a new area & saving...


Here are the symptoms:


Everythings works fine till: I zone into any interior area. After returning to the exterior almost all custom data (lights, objects, buildings) are gone aside from doors. After that, saving the game, or using a function that uses an auto save, will cause a gamecrash....



I had this issue with some other mod I've downloaded and wasn't able to play because of that...


Quite annoying and I have no idea whats causing it.... :blink:

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What patch are you using?


1.5 and 1.7 are crashing game on save


I'm using 1.7 and my game don't crash on save... :confused:


1.7 isn't crashing on saving for me either. :blink:

Me neither, if you use 1.5 either update to 1.7 or use FO3Edit and read the ReadMe

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Dudes, patching to 1.7 was a great idea! Problem solved!


Thx guys!


Iak... whats with this window live crap now every game uses - i can't stand it....



It's MS's attempt to put it's mark on more games, I hear it can cause Fallout3 to be even more unstable (never used it myself - not enough modem)


for Fallout3 it's for....


-Achievements (See, I can leave vault 101 & explode pants)


-try to download DLC



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