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The Pitt rebuilt


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So, I got the official DLC "the Pitt" and played it. I liked it. Untill. Of course. The end! If you chose to side with the slaves, they begin an uprising and go all "Hooray! We free! Now we guna build dis place up again!" killing of all the slavers. Then you go back to the wastelands, and when you return to the Pitt, the slavers are back and all the people there are all like "Grrrr... I hate this, we gunna kill dem sum day!". HELLOO!!?? I killed their leader, gave you the cure and saved the day!


So what I am suggesting is that you could rebuild the Pitt by I.E repairing the buildings, clearing the sky, changing the scripts so that the workers stop working, get new clothes, move in to the houses. This could be done over several stages with a quest and so to get supplies and so.


I would really like to see this, I don't really know why, maybe it's because I'm such a goodhearted guy who wants everything to work out for everyone and takes videogames a little to seriously :S ;P


Thanks in advance.


-Peace out, Fnork Banan

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then you should probably join slavers side, and there would be no wonder the things stayed the same way :D just joking... im still playing pitt, i havent decided wich side to join, i tried both and i still dont know...


anyway about the mod idea its really good hope someone will find time to make something like that...

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Its funny because I always side with Ashur (and the slavers) because Weirhem or whatever his name is and his girl keep lying to me and don't properly explain what the heck their plan it.


Really, this guy supposedly wants me to free the slaves and his plan consists of sitting next to a radio tower, broadcasting a message to every yahoo in the wasteland with a radio, spending like five minutes telling me how poor his buddies are and then making me dress up in slave cloths (that I have to get myself), leaving my invincible attack dog and war robot behind, and then having his inside girl tell me to go into an arena fight so I can head into Ashurs place where I will supposedly find something called 'The Cure' (which they never at all tell me what it is or looks like... until lo and behold I find out that its Ashurs baby daughter).


So, yeah... Weirhem and his girlfriend are completely freaking useless to me.


I did side with the slaves one time, you know... because when I told the slavers I wanted to join their team at the front gate they magically acquired cutscene powers and beat me up. So I decided to kill em all this time.


So after kidnapping a baby after Ashur and his wife of all people actually tell me that the baby is The Cure (honestly, if Ashur pointed at a box with a bomb in it and called it The Cure to his problems... I would have totally swiped it and given it to Weirhem. It would make so much freaking sense) Weirhem tells me to crawl through trog infested sewers and unleash trogs on everybody... cause, you know... unleashing trogs on everybody is only going to hurt the slavers who have assault rifles and not the slaves who have melee weapons.


Then after everyone celebrates, Weirhem gives me some medicine that he sucked out of the baby after like ten minutes of having a barely-literate slave poke at her in a lab. And then lets me use the ammo-press that probably shouldn't be working if all the slaves are being freed... and then asks me to 'send some people over here' or something. And he calls me boss and says that he'll take care of all the work and all I have to worry my pretty little head about is reaping the benefits... which are a syringe full of baby blood and the ability to change my ammo into other ammo.


Frankly, I think that Weirhem is a lying sack of garbage and he just wanted to bump off Ashur so that he could be the one bossing the slaves around. If he actually cared about those people he probably would be sending them out of that radioactive toxic deathtrap... or seeing about getting them some food that doesn't consist of each other (slaves eat trog meat, trogs are mutatated slaves who were exposed to all the radiation and toxins in The Pitt... no freaking wonder people are mutating faster than ever in this place! They don't need magical medicine extracted from babies, they need some freaking food that isn't full of trog-inducing toxins and maybe a few weeks vacation in the countryside every once in a while.)



If I were to change the free-the-slaves ending to be a bit better... I would suggest this:


1. The slaves have some actual cloths on. Maybe some breathing filters or radiation suits.


2. An actual store in that place... I'm not sure if I'm just not a good explorer but I haven't seen a single place where I can buy or sell stuff in that whole city. I have to drop everything before I head to the Pitt to avoid being completely loaded down with all the stuff I get there and have to carry around because there is no place to sell it.


3. Show evidence of them getting some actual food... at the very least they start eating the corpses of dead slavers instead of trogs.


4. Maybe some robot workers.


5. To make it much easier... everybody leaves. Thats right, every single slave in The Pitt just packs up their meager possessions and just walks right out of town and never looks back. They also blow up the bridge. With Weirhem on the other side trapped in The Pitt forever.


6. Also, before they leave, the slaves all stick Weirhem in the stocks so that he's stuck there... until he mutates into a ghoul and now can never die of starvation or of old age. So he has all eternity to sit there and think about why its important to actually tell the people what your plan is... and learn exactly what a ghoul is after he dismissed Charon like he was some kind of non-badass.



I know, this was extremely unhelpful... but I just really dislike Weirhem (or whatever his name is)

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The Pitt is definitely going to get some kind of mod in my game (once I actually play it). My thinking in the matter is that you sabotage the mill and lead Midea (and her group) to safety through the front gate. That should pose enough of a challenge to make it worth breaking the normal quest line.
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There should still be the ability to set prerequesites for quests starting (e.g. having completed another quest or at a specific stage). This means you could have an initial quest which is dependant that the last main internal official DLC quest is complete. Then the quests for your mods could take over afterwards of course the one appropriate to the steelyard (where you collect the igots) would have to be held back until all the igots had been collected by the player. As an alternative there could be a cleaning up quest which could involve going through finishing off the igots quest, along with other quests in the DLC. I also have Broken Steel DLC and have been thinking about Doctor Lee (the one who worked with James) what if their project could have an aid in the project to find a cure. She could even be the one who cracks the issue. The ted bears quest would need to be reworked so that it is not repeating or is completed when one of your quests reaches a certain stage.


I just thought I would add my thoughts on your modification idea.





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Well, you all have great ideas, but I'm afraid that's not really what I'm looking for. I simply want something that makes the Pitt a happy place again afterwards, not anything that alters the quest-line or so during the time you are doing it. I'm sorry guys.


But anyway, someone able to make this mod, please respond.


Peace out, Fnork Banan

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Well, you all have great ideas, but I'm afraid that's not really what I'm looking for. I simply want something that makes the Pitt a happy place again afterwards, not anything that alters the quest-line or so during the time you are doing it. I'm sorry guys.


But anyway, someone able to make this mod, please respond.


Peace out, Fnork Banan


The quest start requirements would allow for the possibility of enabling the modification at the beginning of the game (on starting a new game) before the DLC main official quest line has even started. With your method it would have to be manually enabled afterwards this causes the possibility of upsetting the game with some other modifications. What I was suggesting which would gradually realistically more a happy place and it would give the player even more to do afterwards. The official quest line would remain unchanged except where necessary. But the quests will effectively remain in place possibly just disabled etc. I was thinking along the lines of something like - "http://kvatch.net" (Kvatch Rebuilt). You would in essence still get what you want, as this mod (for Oblivion) only fires off its quest line 2 weeks after clearing Kvatch of the Daedra.

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Well, you all have great ideas, but I'm afraid that's not really what I'm looking for. I simply want something that makes the Pitt a happy place again afterwards, not anything that alters the quest-line or so during the time you are doing it. I'm sorry guys.


But anyway, someone able to make this mod, please respond.


Peace out, Fnork Banan


I am working on something like tihs already (see my signature: "Welcome to Bingham").

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I chose to save the slaves and now have an occupational peacekeeping force in The Pitt. What I would like to see in this mod is the removal of all of the dead bodies staked or hung up on walls all over the place. When werner says he is going to rebuild I think maybe he would dispose of all of the diseased corpses hang aroung the joint like christmas tree ornaments... I think bethesda overkilled it with every other foot you see another dead body staked out for the trogs. And also someone should add a simple empty warehouse somewhere in the yard. Big enough for a peacekeeping HQ for at least 10 people.


Thank you for your consideration.

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