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Murder count after killing Dremora Churl


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i just entered the oblivion gate at Kvatch and after killing the latest

Dremora Churl I suddenly got a message that "someone has taken note

of my actions", followed by two (yes, two) murder counts on my list.


I'm not using lots of mods - just MMM, OOO and the Unofficial Patch.


Anyone experienced the same?

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Not really (wasn't yet in the gate) but I got it even worse - during the arena fights, the weak opponents (or seriously wounded stronger ones) begin to run away with "I give up! I give up!" from me and some even are unkillable by the spells so I have to catch them and stab them and then tada, guess who visits me next night. Got 8 or so murders that way (not all of them, I don't know what it depends on other than when killed by a spell murder count doesn't go up).


It's not like I could spare them, because Arena door wouldn't open. Oh well, I'm enjoying my new quests now from DB. Although it would be nice if someone could tell me why does that happen too, it may be the same reason as the OP's. I do have MMM, OOO and Unofficial Patch (though around 350 more mods too). :yucky:

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LOL Esteris, still on your mods bugging :biggrin:


Just an important info, I don't know if you know that but Oblivion doesn't support more than 250 active mods (don't count bash patched). And the simple fact of HAVING more then 250 esp files in your Oblivion folder leads to CTDs and bugs. So an advise would be to put your unactive esps in a another folder. This has made my game for more stable. Don't remove the Bash Patched ESP though !

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How does that work with the dremoras anyway? They are NPCs in the CS, but I kill them all the time and don't usually get charged with murder. Is it the situation of a one-shot snipe attack or a one-stab kill with a sneaking backstab that would constitute a murder? I guess it is rare for me to kill anything big in one hit, so it becomes a fight, and you don't usually get charged with murder for killing someone in a fight. In Mehrunes Dagon's realm, I don't think the NPCs and daedric beasts have high responsibility ratings, so they don't report crimes they see either.


I have wondered about how I get dozens of assaults listed on my statistics. That must be from when I do a sneak-attack on a bandit or a dremora, and then it turns into a fight, so it does not end in a murder, and these enemies are in factions checked as "evil."

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  • 1 year later...
I'm also having this problem... I wasn't that worried about it untill i got guards commenting on my murder count. the only mods that i'm using that the other people who mentioned this are using is the unofficial patch and OOO (1.33). the thing is, i'm getting these murder counts in combat when deadly reflexes kick in and chops someone's head off
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