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Out of memory problem with FO3 Plugin Utility

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I'd recommend merging your mods into a separate mod file and leaving the Fallout 3.esm as it is. If you merge Fallout 3.esm with other mods I don't think you can unmerge them again, meaning you'll likely have to reinstall the game and your mods if you decide that you want to remove some of them. I could be wrong, but I don't think that merging the "base" files of the games with mod files is a good idea as the whole concept of modularity goes out the window when you do this.
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First, I'd heartily recommend you get Miax's great FO3Edit guide (MS Word version). But more specifically, all esp's automatically have the fo3 esm as a master. As the other posters noted, I would heartily recommended not merging the mods with the esm.


Follow the steps in Miax's guide for creating a merge patch esp.

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